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Let's boo and make fun of the programmers :p
But at least there's some bush that we have no problem going through.

It's just a funny thought I think of when playing the game. In the older games (GTA 3 , Vice City, San Andreas......) most of the scenery and surroudings are indestructible, no damage at all even after a rocket launcher. So as we slowly move on to the newer titles, I grew pleasantly surprised as the surroundings grew more realistic and we actually get to see how the nearby buildings or objects are damaged after an explosion or after a "car accident".

And then there's some funny bugs like this XD


New Member
One of the online missions recently bugged and I don't know why. Going down the GOH we haven't been able to beat lately because no matter what when we kill the drivers the tanker is blowing up. Some of these bugs never get fixed though.


New Member

The above image was posted on Reddit and has to be the single most annoying tree in the game. How many online races has that single tree cost you? I can think of several losses, and I ALWAYS see someone smack into that same darn tree every time LOL


There are some times where you can drive over a massive pole, but you hit a fence and your Tractor-trailer stops immediately. I understand this isn't supposed to be an ultra-realistic game, but hitting a fence and stopping like you hit a solid metal wall, it just breaks your immersion so much, and it is jarring you out of the experience of the game.

I hope that that kind of thing is fixed for the next gen version and the PS4/Xbone.


Well, I think that some of the bugs will be dealt with in the Xbox One/PS4 version. The next gen releases give Rockstar another chance to fix glitches and such. It also, however, leaves room for new glitches to come along as well.
Their logic is kind of ridiculous on a lot of things. For example, I can run through other cars, lamps, and buildings, yet I cant bust through the highway side-rails. The game play can be buggy at times like you said which I hope rockstar fixes soon. It's reasons like these that I do miss the old games sometimes.
That's actually really funny for the most part, it's just amusing to think that a bush would stop your car like that. It can be frustrating when you're on a chase though. You see a bush and you assume it's the ones you can pass right through and you slam right into it full speed.
It's game logic. Silly people. Everyone KNOWS that phasing into metal poles is the new thing. Tree? We can't quite figure them out. So, you better be good to those trees! Or else Mother Nature is going to get you!


I find that really entertaining actually, though it isn't a bug, is it? And the trees have always been annoying and will always stay like that, won't they? Though it's indeed sometimes a bit buggy.


That's actually really funny for the most part, it's just amusing to think that a bush would stop your car like that. It can be frustrating when you're on a chase though. You see a bush and you assume it's the ones you can pass right through and you slam right into it full speed.

I like the immovable bushes for that reason alone, it adds a really fun element in races or chases, there's a thrill when you see you can't avoid that bush and are hoping it's one of the ones that don't make you crash your car.


Active Member
There's nothing better than GTA logic and physics. They don't always make sense, but the game is incredibly fun nonetheless. Such physics makes everything unpredictable, which makes it even more exciting during hectic chases and other scenes.


I know in real life lamposts are made to fall over & separate when hit so they don't provide an electrocution hazard. I can't explain those bushes. Those bushes are 50/50 chance of being solid. I hate running from the cops & saying "I hope this one isn't solid"


I always get really amused and entertained by little glitches and totally unrealistic things like that, personally, but I know some people that get really angry about it xD.


Well-Known Member
I saw an image recently making fun of how people call the cops just because you've been standing near them for too long. I've never experienced it because I'm always running or driving but I think that's a very amusing little detail.


I saw an image recently making fun of how people call the cops just because you've been standing near them for too long. I've never experienced it because I'm always running or driving but I think that's a very amusing little detail.

Really? Well, I must try that out that, though I'm not sure if I could be such of a big criminal XD I mean come on, why would someone call the police for that? Stalking? I mean, that's not really a valid reason, since the person who calls the police could be the stalker instead of you . (Inception !)


Well-Known Member
Really? Well, I must try that out that, though I'm not sure if I could be such of a big criminal XD I mean come on, why would someone call the police for that? Stalking? I mean, that's not really a valid reason, since the person who calls the police could be the stalker instead of you . (Inception !)
Yeah I was a bit confused by that as well. I'm guessing it's probably just for certain types of people. From the looks of the picture I saw it was a working woman so you could test it out on those first and see if you get a reaction.
Well, searching for logic in video games is stupid. I tend to play games in order to do things that are different from the real world; to defy logic, not to obey normal logic.


Well, searching for logic in video games is stupid. I tend to play games in order to do things that are different from the real world; to defy logic, not to obey normal logic.

Haha yeah, I agree with that, we're not playing 'real life simulators' here, we're talking racing games, so it doesn't really matter actually if it's a logical game or not. This is actually a pretty lame discussion XD If the developers intended the game to be illogical, so be it!


New Member

The above image was posted on Reddit and has to be the single most annoying tree in the game. How many online races has that single tree cost you? I can think of several losses, and I ALWAYS see someone smack into that same darn tree every time LOL

More times than I can count. That tree is well known for his ruining your chances of winning antics. And is funny, because is always the same. Almost as if it had a damn magnet attached to it to make sure you don't win the race or you don't leave without receiving its natural blessing.

So yeah, no mercy for that damn tree. 'Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Well, searching for logic in video games is stupid. I tend to play games in order to do things that are different from the real world; to defy logic, not to obey normal logic.
Very true. I also feel the same way, and it's why I don't like the trend of extreme realism that much, both in video games and in movies, because I find it gets to be much less of an escape and more of an assignment that way, but of course the evolution still has its perks.