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Greatest PS1/PS2 RPGs

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You've read the title and that's why you're in here. Tell me what your favourite RPGs are for the PS1 and PS2. If you wanna tell me what's so great about them, that's even better. I'll get the ball rolling:

Jade Cocoon 1 (ps1) - It's like Pokemon taken to the next level. You can merge your captured monsters to create new ones, and there's an infinite dungeon at the end of the game. The soundtrack is also pretty awesome.

Jade Cocoon 2 (ps2) - Not as good as the first game but gives a much needed improvement to the graphics. Still a downright fun monster breeder.

Final Fantasy 7 (ps1) - The only game in the series I really liked. Forget about the spin-offs, movies and annoying fan-base. It's a good game by itself.

Persona 3: Fes (ps2) - I've only just started playing this but it's the closest JRPG there is to a WRPG. I heard it's based on the old Wizardry games to some extent so that could be why.


Best choice is Final Fantasy and will always be. That game has countless of great features in terms of game play, music, and graphics. A lot of my friends are into that game. Also, Final Fantasy is longer than every console RPG to date. The game takes place across 3 CDs.


Final Fantasy 7. There are a lot of good rpgs of every style on the Ps1. Don't know about the Ps2. Played some FF there and it was more like watching a movie which sucked.


Best choice is Final Fantasy and will always be. That game has countless of great features in terms of game play, music, and graphics. A lot of my friends are into that game. Also, Final Fantasy is longer than every console RPG to date. The game takes place across 3 CDs.
Which one, daily?
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
The Legend of Dragoon
Dragon Quest VIII
Chrono Cross

I'd say those are my favorites. If I had to pick one, I'd go with FF IX.
The Legend of Dragoon was a really good game for me. I've tried playing it on an emulator since the old days, but sadly, it's just not the same.

Ghost Rider

Let me give you all my HUGE list of great RPG games for the PS1 and PS2.

  • Chrono Cross
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Final Fantasy VIII
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Grandia
  • Guardian's Crusade
  • Legend of Legaia
  • Legend of Lagoon
  • Monster Seed
  • Vagrant Story
  • Xenogears
  • Final Fantasy X
  • Final Fantasy XII
  • Okami
  • Persona 4
  • Rogue Galaxy
  • Shadow Hearts
  • Valkyrie Profile 2
Welp, that's it for me. :D


Playstation 1:
  • Final Fantasy 7-9
  • Chrono Cross
  • Legend of Dragoon
  • Legend of Mana
Playstation 2:
  • Final Fantasy X
  • Star Ocean
That's all I can think of right now. I didn't play too many Playstation 2 games myself.


Well-Known Member
I've only ever played Final Fantasy 8, but I enjoyed the hell out of it and was very much impressed with the graphics at the time. I do think I prefer it over the other versions though, since I don't really like miniature characters and instead like the properly proportioned ones. The next RPG that I liked after FF8 was FF: Crisis Core for the PSP.


I was not a big player of RPG games when O had PS1 as I was still a young kid who loved Tekken 3. I never played any other gae besides Tekken 3 on my PS1. Bur I played quite a few RPGs on PS2. The most memorable one is certainly GOd of War series.


Well-Known Member
I was not a big player of RPG games when O had PS1 as I was still a young kid who loved Tekken 3. I never played any other gae besides Tekken 3 on my PS1. Bur I played quite a few RPGs on PS2. The most memorable one is certainly GOd of War series.
I never paid attention to RPGs back then too especially turn based games like FF but after I got to play one or two levels of FF8 I finally understood what everyone liked about it. My appreciation for it also grew when I got to play Crisis Core on PSP, which I now like equally to other more action packed games.


Final Fantasy hands down which I'm excited to see is going to be coming out eventually for the newer consoles. But there were a few cartoony RPG's that I didn't mind to play. They can be just as enjoyable but the problems is as good as they are I can never remember the names, lmao!


Active Member
Are Tekken or Prince of Persia considered as RPGs? After all you can play as the main character and interact with the world, those were the golden gaming days.. Has anyone around here played them?