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New Member
Grand theft auto may be a fun video game, but it is also a serious crime. There are a lot of different path that grand theft auto can occur, and depending on the jurisdiction, it can mean different things.


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New Member
Exactly! We should all keep in mind that this is just a game, but I think that's not very difficult for the most of us! :)


New Member
I hope we all know it's a game if not you should not be allowed to play games the game is rated mature for a reason.


New Member
I would hope people know that it's okay to do things in the game that you cannot do in real life. The younger generation is stupid though.
It's really important for those who play GTA to keep in mind that GTA is just a game. If you watch the news, there's a lot of robbing, shootings, and killings because people play games like GTA and treat it like it's reality. GTA is fun and all, but all that action should be kept inside the game's map and should never be taken to the reality world.


I think that most sane people would agree that GTA is only a game and they will and should never do it in real life. Although the dumber ones or the high ones might imitate the illegal things being done in the game. But that's their problem now if they do.


New Member
Well, there has been jackasses in real life that have done GTA without even knowing it was a game, so you can't really blame the game, but it's obviously a game for a sane and personally stable person. Not for someone that will try to react something they've seen/played.


New Member
Yeah, and just because some people just try to recreate what they've seen in a game it doesn't mean all of us do this. I think it's time for people to take starting screen warnings more seriously. But I think it's mostly a game about crime.


I know that this is a game. But we need to be careful because there are people trying to imitate the games and it's not just GTA.


New Member
There will always be people that copy what they see in games and movies. You just have to search to see how many kids have jumped from the roof of their homes with a towel tied to their necks imitating Superman.

Thomas Hall

New Member
I think, when playing these sort of games you need to know that it is a game and also not a real thing which can justify any crime as some people do try to do it but it is their actions which causes their consequences. I have played these games, and always seen how they are and never made to cause people to do crime. I reckon, that people need to wake up and not blame these games for things they do and justify it.