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Going Back to Old Games?

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A few months ago, someone asked me which games were my favourite, and considering that I'd been playing various PC games since 2000, I had quite a long list. When I mentioned that I'd enjoyed NFS Underground 1 and 2, people were surprised, especially because I remember these two so well. I'd played them even after Carbon came out. Same had happened with Most Wanted (the title from 2005). I know a lot of people who still play it, even after all this time.

I'd realised then that "newer gamers" usually play newer games. In general, only those of us who had played these when they were fairly new (if not brand new) can still appreciate them. I can still play Underground and be interested in the game simply because that's the game of my childhood. Sometimes when I hear a song which was a part of the game soundtrack, I start feeling so nostalgic. But I also see why older games don't interest everyone. For example, I'd started the TES series with Skyrim and I just couldn't warm up to either Morrowind or Oblivion. It happens.

So, what is your opinion. Would you be able to go back to some of the old games you once played? What about old games you never got to play?


New Member
Same had happened with Most Wanted (the title from 2005). I know a lot of people who still play it, even after all this time.

Because it's kind of a classic game. Such a masterpiece! Playing it helps me bring a lot of memories back. Do you feel the same way?


I really like Crash Bandicoot when I was a kid, and the other day at E3, Sony announced that they will make a Remake of Crash Bandicoot and I was really Happy. That game is my childhood.


Because it's kind of a classic game. Such a masterpiece! Playing it helps me bring a lot of memories back. Do you feel the same way?

Yes, I do. Whenever I play these old games, I am back in time. These games made my childhood. It's simply who I am. I know that a lot of people feel this way and I understand completely. There are those games that never leave you, no matter how old you get. NFS MW is definitely one of them, even if you play it for an hour or so every once in a while.


Active Member
Except for SA:MP and Prince of Persia I haven't played any old games for a while now, I still have my old PS1 and PS2 laying around that I could turn on and play.


Active Member
Looking at how well the remastered Final Fantasy titles have been selling, I think remastering old games is a very viable market aimed towards nostalgic players.


NFS is a good title but never really been enough in substance for me to consider. I have always been more of the Gran Turismo type. But if I had to say I had a particular title to tackle it would have to be all the crash bandicoot titles for the PS2. I sort of missed out on those games even though I heard they were the reason that character never made it to the third console.

Still, the curious mind gets the best of us!


Well-Known Member
There are some games I scan easily go back to and play whereas some just seem boring to me now when I replay them. I guess it just depends on what game it is or what mood I'm in on that particular day.


I find myself going back to play old games every so often and even trying out old games that I've never played before. Some of my favorite games of all time are old games that I hadn't played until recently, and services like GOG and Steam make it super easy to play older games.

Ryan Allwright

New Member
I would like to add if noeone has ever played the original Deus Ex, you were missing out on an amazing game from the year 2000. I usually won't go back and play older games but that game I could still play in the year 2050 !


Well when it comes to getting the old games out, I can say that I do this a lot more that others probably do, but unfortunately NFS is really the only game that I could think of that was a racing game I used to play. My mind immediately jumped to Commander Keen and the oil pipeline game, but of course those are not racing. Thanks for sharing.