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Games you wish existed

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Something like a holodeck. You can do everything what comes to your mind. It's some sort of a better life. Real life is pretty boring most of the time.


I would love to see like a virtual reality in which your in a simulation that is very similar to games in real life, especially something like Heavy Rain or sometimes exciting like an action game, such as Borderlands 2 or Battlefield 3. It would be really cool to see that, especially is there's multiplayer.


I'd do a really simple game like you have to drive on the highway and complete a series of distracted driving items and see the results. It may make a lot of kids more aware about the dangers of texting while driving and doing stuff like that. It'd likely be more of a mobile game though.
I wish they had a great superhero game. One that had great storyline, that was lenghty. One that they actually worked on his superpowers and made them easily do able . I hate playing games where they have so many useless combos that could be replaced with powers. I would also want it to be very entertaining.


Well-Known Member
An HD Burnout game with the old version of Crash mode. The new one is still pretty great, don't get me wrong, but I still prefer the old type of Crash mode. Also, I still prefer just picking every race and event from the options instead of having to drive to them, but I suppose other people might prefer the new structure so I'd let that slide.

Ghost Rider

A Xenogears and Chrono Cross sequel. I've been craving for these games for so long. However, it seems as though Square has already forgotten about these games. They were such classics that deserve a remake.


Shenmue III.
Oh my god this! Did you know that Shenmue was originally meant to have more titles ranging from 4 or more games which the stories would be expanded upon? We only got two games because of disappointing sales and Sega dropping out of the console war. Let's hope it will be out eventually :(
A game I have hoped would come along some day would have to be a gaming interpretation of The Hobbit. I am a huge fan of The Hobbits story, characters, and settings and I wish that someone would develop a game adaptation.
It's kind of hard to choose. I mean, there's a lot of games out there already that are pretty good. People have used up a lot of ideas already. Maybe Pokemon on the Ps2 would be pretty cool! But I doubt that will ever happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting for the best zombie survival simulator.
With the amount of zombie games already out, I guessed that one would be out already. To me the best zombie survival simulator would be left for dead. I think that's one of the most realistic ones out there.


Oh my god this! Did you know that Shenmue was originally meant to have more titles ranging from 4 or more games which the stories would be expanded upon? We only got two games because of disappointing sales and Sega dropping out of the console war. Let's hope it will be out eventually :(

I just want to know the ending. Did Ryo catch Lan Di? Did Ryo make it back home? Why are those mirrors so important that his father was killed for them. I just want an ending. Even if they don't make a game due to budget, they could at least make a manga or animated webisode that reveals the ending. Can't Yu Suzuki do a Kickstarter for the third game?


I think what would make for some good titles is TV slots like Supernatural, American Ninja Warrior with the dinosaur feature of course. Prison Break and The Walking Dead but in a GTA fashion which would be epic my friends. Tell me that wouldn't be epic to play?


Well this is really an open ended question, but an interesting one to think about. I think that I would like to see more strategy like games, but ones that involve the future. I really like Civilization, but of course that is the more historical thing. I was not a big WoW fan, but something along those lines is kind of what I am thinking of. I don't know, but I love to think about it. Thanks for sharing.