Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Games Collection

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I have tons of games, It is pretty hard to count. I tend to forget about the games I have so I stick to the few I play regularly.
most of my games i have accumulated on steam. there is no need for any hard copies. i have a wide variety of games from every category


I have more than a 100 game on Steam waiting to be played. Yes, those are the games I haven't started playing. So many of the m are Indie games. WI don't even know how many games I have played. It's huge man!


I have around 1000 games on Steam but I only played 300 of them, all those bundles means I don't have time to play everything. I promised myself I will never buy any more games until I make sure I finish at least half of the games.


I have a lot of games on my Steam. I have around 60 games and the half of it was from Bundles and free games. And the half of it was from Steam during sale.


I sold all my cartridge games and the consoles to a franchise called Game Stop. I don't know if they are still around but I regret selling the N64.


My primary console is the PS3 which I would like to trade in if Sony offers me a discount on the PS4. But I have not seen anything like this yet.
My main collection is in my Steam account. There's probably around 20-30 games there, which I don't really play anymore. On my desktop I only have like 10 games.


Well-Known Member
I sold all my cartridge games and the consoles to a franchise called Game Stop. I don't know if they are still around but I regret selling the N64.
I know how you feel, I wish I had kept my consoles better too but now all of them are gone. If I had sold them I'd at least have money but somehow it just got lost so I don't even have cash to show for.