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Game Series as opposed to individual games.

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New Member
I think it would be better to have forums about entire game series (Gran Turismo, GTA) rather than specific games, specific games could then be a subforums (GTA III, IV, V) within the main forum for example.


Active Member
I agree. I haven't had a chance to try GTA V but I've played all the others and I'm a fan of GTA III. I still play it in my free time on a tablet. I feel the same about Need for Speed too. Subsections would be great.


New Member
I think that is the best path this site can take. If this occurs then people will find what they are interested in far more easily and it will generate a lot more posts in one area, as opposed to exiting and entering many different forums. Besides, the more people writing on a forum, the better it is for the owner of the website.


I think that is the best path this site can take. If this occurs then people will find what they are interested in far more easily and it will generate a lot more posts in one area, as opposed to exiting and entering many different forums. Besides, the more people writing on a forum, the better it is for the owner of the website.
That's quite some analysis.


It's more specific as a thread and should be a sub-topic but honestly, if you really want to have entry that states as a series or individual game, write in the title. There's no huge reason to make another section concerning this, it wasn't like the PC section of gaming, which was a thing that was more clearer.


Wow, it's been almost a year since I wrote on this. Now, I have a different opinion about it. Game series and individual games do have a massive difference. Having a game series means that you can have a more excessive story arc, which means more scenarios and more time to flesh out your characters. It means you can have more character development while upgrading the gameplay. Having an individual game means the player will only be attached to these characters to one game, therefore, it's harder for the makers of the game to create a masterpiece. However, creating an individual game means that if it's good enough, it will be regarded as a classic. If you have a series and maybe one game in it deserves a classic status but the rest don't, that game will forever be tainted because of it's lesser counterparts. That means, if The Last of Us has two sequels that are terrible, the original game will be become less of a game. I like individual games and game series, why can't we have a balance of both?


New Member
This is definitely a good idea, because I feel like the "other" section gets rather cluttered by other games in the series, and I feel unwelcome to post in the latest series entry's subforum because I don't have Gran Turismo 6, Forza 5, or Need for Speed Rivals, despite being a fan of earlier entries of each of the series.