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Forza Motorsport 5 Forza Motorsport 5 looks breathtaking

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Ghost Rider

Okay, I don't have an Xbox One (yet). I don't even have a PS4 (yet). But I have seen videos of Forza Motorsport 5 and it looks gorgeous. The current racing game that I'm sinking my fangs into is GT6. It's good, but now that I have seen the look of Forza 5, it got me salivating. Just take a look at this vid:

Okay, it's not good to compare GT6 with Motorsport 5, but doesn't Motorsport 5 look breathtaking?


I find Gran Turismo to be the better looking game for the reason of.. NO CAR ON EARTH IS THAT SHINY OR CLEAN. Gran Turismo's have just the right amount of reflection and dirtiness that I expect to see.


New Member
This is one of the most visually appealing games that I've ever seen or played. I'm very happy with the aesthetics, and I believe that looks tends to be very important, and even sometimes on par with gameplay. Of course the debate over gameplay vs. graphics will always exist, it is entirely possible for games to accurately portray and display both. I think Forza 5 does a great job of doing exactly that.


They both look absolutely amazing to me, the graphics are incredible. I don't have an xbox one or a ps4 but If I did i would most definitely buy one of the two. However, to me gameplay is more important than graphics and I hope both games deliver great gameplay. I would be interested to play these games but if I had to choose one over the other, I'd choose Forza Motorsport 5.


New Member
If I had the time I would play that game the entire day! They really nailed the lightning. I'm curious about the cars you can choose between, looks like there is many different car companies in this game.


Active Member
Forza 5 looks really amazing and I love the way they have made dirt look on the cars in the form of dirt specs. I'd like it if they brought back something similar to the dirt model of Forza 2 but I don't think it will happen. Forza 5 does look good and I feel it is better looking than Gran Turismo 6 but that is mainly due to Forza 5 being on a next gen console.


I agree with some of the other posters on this thread. Forza looks a bit too shiny, but I still think it looks pretty damn good. As for GT6, I think the lighting and reflection like another user said makes it somewhat more realistic looking. I give the slight advantage of looks to GT6, but they both are beautiful.


New Member
For me, Forza 5's visuals are actually a bit of a mixed bag. While the cars and window reflections look amazing, I do think many of the environments are lacking in detail, and they pale next to Driveclub on the PS4. The spectators are even flat, which really is quite ridiculous for a next generation game. With that said, in some ways the visuals have proven to be a disappointment to me, and it will be interesting to see what the next game in the series looks like, as the developer will be given more time.


It looks really good.

But it does still look rushed. I think perhaps Forza 5 should have been delayed. It looks little better than Forza 4, it has some very obvious 2D trees, jaggies, and some blurry textures