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Forza Motorsport 5 Forza, a "Gran Turismo killer"?

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New Member
Is Forza a "Gran Turismo killer"? If so, please explain. If not, yet again, please explain.
I think Forza could potentially be a "Gran Turismo killer" because of its outstanding graphics and amazing sounds. Gran Turismo is definitely behind Forza at the moment, but not in cars. GT6 boasts a few thousand cars, which is amazing. Now, I think they need to put extra effort into getting those cars sounds, design, and interior down to perfection (or at least near it).
I wouldn't say Forza is a Gran Turismo killer as you put it. Like many other franchises that have a similar play style between each other, I think Forza will only drive the Gran Turismo developers to make an effort to do a better job next time. Competition is usually good in the world of entertainment, and I don't think this is any exception.
Both series have their own positives and negatives. I don't want either to suffer or overtake the other. If they keep on competing, then they will constantly improve upon eachother. Call of Duty and Battlefield are good examples. After the success of Battlefield 3 and 4, Call of Duty had to step up it's game. If both series keep going, it will be good for the fans.


Well-Known Member
To me they are pretty much equal. They have very similar styles to them and the same level of graphics. Maybe it's just from my outsider perspective, though, since I never really got into any of these games that much but I like them enough, though I may be ignorant of the subtle differences that most fans see.


New Member
I wouldn't say Forza is a Gran Turismo killer as you put it. Like many other franchises that have a similar play style between each other, I think Forza will only drive the Gran Turismo developers to make an effort to do a better job next time. Competition is usually good in the world of entertainment, and I don't think this is any exception.
Both series have their own positives and negatives. I don't want either to suffer or overtake the other. If they keep on competing, then they will constantly improve upon eachother. Call of Duty and Battlefield are good examples. After the success of Battlefield 3 and 4, Call of Duty had to step up it's game. If both series keep going, it will be good for the fans.
I agree with both of your statements. One does better, and then the other tries to bump up quality, or whatever they may be competing with. I now see that it's important that one does not trump the other by a ton that ends it's competitors business.


New Member
I find them perfectly equal too- Forza is better in some regards but Grand Turismo in others. When one improves, the other follows. I like the duopoly the way it is.

Miles Hansen

New Member
Well seeing as they each corner the market of the exact same game except on different plaatforms I don't think they in any way impact each other. Personally I like Gran Turismo better, but seeing as most gamers don't have both a Playstation and an Xbox I don't think it really matters. I also don't think you can compare the two right now as Forza is already on Next Gen with Horizon 2, whilst Gran Turismo won't release Gran Turismo 7 until 2015-2016. We'll see then if they have any impact on each other.


Well-Known Member
I find them perfectly equal too- Forza is better in some regards but Grand Turismo in others. When one improves, the other follows. I like the duopoly the way it is.
Yeah competition tends to breed the best products. The only thing I wish for is that they start spicing up their traditional racers but I guess they risk tainting the franchise that way and it's probably best to just experiment with newer titles instead.


Active Member
I prefer the most recent Forza titles over the recent GT titles, but I wouldn't say that Forza is a GT-killer by any means. It's a stupid term, [Insert Thing Here]-killer...


New Member
I would not say it is a killer. Gran Turismo was the first game I truly had the chance to play for racing simulation. Everything about it was awesome and I believe it paved the way for the others to come rolling in. That is not to say that Forza is not a great game because it is.

I got the chance to play Horizon last night and I have to say, The graphics are astounding and the sound effects seem to be pretty much on par. However, I feel that these two games offer different things to different players. For me, Horizon is more of a racing game while Gran Turismo is more of a racing simulation for me.

I hope that makes sense.


New Member
Forza is in my opinion the gran turismo killer. Why? you might ask well because of the community and car customization. There's also a wide variety of cars available in forza and besides that they have a very nice customization system.


Is Forza a "Gran Turismo killer"? If so, please explain. If not, yet again, please explain.
I think Forza could potentially be a "Gran Turismo killer" because of its outstanding graphics and amazing sounds. Gran Turismo is definitely behind Forza at the moment, but not in cars. GT6 boasts a few thousand cars, which is amazing. Now, I think they need to put extra effort into getting those cars sounds, design, and interior down to perfection (or at least near it).
I'm just getting into Forza, and I like it. Gran Turismo is still alive and well, but it's good to see competition in these racing games. I remember when need for speed was your best bet for a little while and then Grand truism hit the scene.
Not really, it's to each their own. I have a friend who, even if Forza would release with fantastic true to life graphics and all the cars and circuits in the world, he would still play Gran Turismo, because that's his jam.


I don't think it's a GT killer. I think Gran Turismo is slightly better because I've been playing it for ages. Also, it has more features and it feels way more realistic.

However, Forza is really fun. One of the best racing games that are out right now, honestly.


Well-Known Member
Not really, it's to each their own. I have a friend who, even if Forza would release with fantastic true to life graphics and all the cars and circuits in the world, he would still play Gran Turismo, because that's his jam.
I understand this totally. I have some titles that I prefer as well even though some other similar ones might seem to be a lot better on paper. It all just boils down to personal preference.
The only way a game can be the "killer" of another game in the same genre is if they actually force the competition out of the market.

Forza has been dubbed "Gran Turismo killer" by the media since the very first game. Yet here we are, two generations later with Polyphony working on the latest GT game.

It's not even Sony or Microsoft that make these "killer" terms. It's the media and their way of sensationalizing everything.


Active Member
I think this is like how every flagship phone has been referred to an iPhone killer. Anything that's a [fill in the blank] killer is pretty much guaranteed to not be that, even if it's a solid game or device or whatever.


Active Member
I don't think Forza is a "Gran Turismo killer". Don't get me wrong, the Forza series is fantastic but I feel Gran Turismo will always have the top spot in terms of racing games. The games have their differences and I think they are equally good. I play both and I find that both games have stuff the other hasn't and do stuff the other doesn't but it doesn't distract from them both doing what they do well.

Unless they mess up big time, I'll always be a fan of both.


They're both different enough that each has its place. Though I do feel that lately, Gran Turismo has been messing up and Forza is a superior series.


I do not think that it is a Gran Turismo killer. The way that I look at it is that each game has the things that you will like about it and each game will have the things that you will not like about it. Also I think that each game appeals to a certain type of audience.