Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Foot pedals really awkward to press?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
They hurt my ankles a lot. I have to lay my feet at a weird angle and uses my toes to push down at the base lower edge of the pedals and it still is awkward to press.
Ive tried lowering. raising. my chair. putting the pedals on a raised surface (some huge books or something)
angling the pedals somewhat. but nothing works!
They are pretty small pedals (probably for a small child) and they are impossible to use wearing shoes. I end up hitting the break and gas at the same time.
And they keep sliding across the carpet if they are on the floor.
I am at a loss what to do and how to fix this situation.
they are these

amazon com gp product B0764GXV44

really cheap. but the steering wheel itself works great. no issues. no drifting to either side.
this site also isnt letting me post a link for some reason so you'll have to add the dots and slashes