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Flappy Bird Clones getting out of hand

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Ghost Rider

Okay, I think this is getting crazy. The Flappy Bird app has been removed from the app stores but a lot of clones have taken their place. Cool Bird, Flippy Bird, even My Talking Tom has a version of the game in the form of Flappy Tom! This is getting out of hand guys. Different titles, one concept? Sheesh.


Everyone is trying to milk the concept and make some money, it's not unusual and for some people it has probably worked!


Well-Known Member
I agree. I've recently just checked the app store and saw many clones of it without even searching for it. I think it's because it's just too simple and easy to make so it's easy to duplicate and therefore why so many people decide to do so.


New Member
Yeah agreed, I never actually got to play the original. Played floppy bird which I am guessing is a rubbish rip off. I wasn't enthralled and I have a phobia of birds so it was never going to be my thing. The amount of hype its caused amazes me.


Never played the original. Tried to play one of the clones online and I totally hated it. I am not sure why this became so popular.


New Member
I wonder if they are making a lot of money. Because they have been at the top of the app store rankings for weeks. If so that is crazy because they all look really dumb. But, so did Flappy Bird at first and that turned out really addicting and fun. But the clones still look dumb, though.


But the stores had declined to keep the games on their stores that had the name Flappy in their titles. But the developer has said he will be bringing it back but not soon.


I also created a clone of the game and published it to the store, but this was when Flappy Bird still was available in the store. I just wanted to improve the game and created a similar game which could be called 'clone'. But yeah, now where the original is gone, the clones are getting out of hand. Google and Apple tried to remove them, but when they removed one, two new ones were published. They gave up on this.


New Member
The bad thing about it is not that there are too many games similar to Fappy Bird, it's just that they are plain bad. I believe some of them might be good, but 80% of them are just games with names similar to the original's and nothing else. Just trash.


They are getting way out of hand. Every time a hit like flappy bird is released, there is always going to be a lot of followers to try and get in on the action. Whether it be music, games, TV shows, etc., there will always be some copy cats trying to "milk the concept".


I think it has gotten way out of hand a long time ago its like everyday I open up the play store its the more Flappy birds clones that I am seeing an it is really becoming irritating because I just want to play some original games not some crap that has been released like 50 times before I think that the next game they release should be called Crappy Birds lol!


It is getting out of hand, however everyone is just taking a piece of the money pie and every way they can.
I agree too. Everyone wants to make a copy of that game and just get popular off of it. I don't think that it's working anymore because so many people are already doing it. The game isn't even that good anymore.


I was just asking my self what happened to flappy birds when I searched for it on the play store and only found floppy bird. This cloning of successful games is nothing new as these developers want a share of what is popular.
I was just asking my self what happened to flappy birds when I searched for it on the play store and only found floppy bird. This cloning of successful games is nothing new as these developers want a share of what is popular.

The game got removed a while ago. I think there's a reason, but I'm not too sure about that. But it did get removed, and people wanted to bring it back, so they made clones of the game.


Yeah there are a lot of people copying Flappy Bird in the play store and in the other app stores for other OSs. While I still prefer the original Flappy Birds I don't really see a big difference in the game overall the differences are usually just the graphic parts of the games. I like that there is a lot of different games with the same concept, because when there are a lot of games on the market you have a lot of choice playing a lot of different games.


Definitely agree. People can't find their own idea so it's so much easier to copy someones success. Many Russian or asian companies make similar apps in couple of hours and they want quick profit. But the quality of these games is in most cases much lower than original game. Nothing is different in the Flappy Birds case. I will never play all these bad clones because original game is just original.
Flappy Bird-like games are very easy to code and copy, so everyone is trying to make some profit off of the original idea. It's a good way of income nonetheless, but it's kinda of plagiarizing and wrong, don't you think?
It is getting ridiculous. Some are the same concept with different characters and even better visuals, but a lot of them are near exact replicas, with the same bird. Capitalizing on someone else's success is kinda sad.


It's gotten so ridiculous in this last year. Most of them are simple reskins.. It doesn't help the original game was a ripoff itself..