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First Top-Down View GTA Game in a While...

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Yeah, be it for DS or PSP, it was a top-down view GTA game.

The series hasn't had one of those since GTA1, GTA2, GTA: London, and GTA on Game Boy Advanced. I'm sure it was a shock to many GTA players, who were used to the 3D view, when this game decided to revert to the old way.

How do you all feel about that?


It was the best option since it was a portably release. Looked great and all the missions were great too, I enjoyed it a lot and I played it in my iTouch.


Ah, I see. I don't have the game, but I've seen some footage of it and contemplated getting it. Still not sure, though. What else did you enjoy about it? You have me curious now.


New Member
Ah, I see. I don't have the game, but I've seen some footage of it and contemplated getting it. Still not sure, though. What else did you enjoy about it? You have me curious now.

I really liked the drug dealing in it, it's what primarily made me get the game.


Hmm, so far, the reception I'm getting is not really making me want to go out and get Chinatown Wars. As blasphemous as it is to say on this forum, I might have better luck with Sleeping Dogs. It just looks better than Chinatown Wars.


New Member
Sleeping Dogs and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars can't really be compared to each other though. One is a top down game made for portable consoles, and one is a full on third person game designed to push the computer you're running it on. Sleeping Dogs is much better though, in my opinion. Chinatown Wars was a good time killer on my DSi when I was bored, but the whole gameplay and graphics felt weird compared to GTA 4 at the time.


Sleeping Dogs and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars can't really be compared to each other though. One is a top down game made for portable consoles, and one is a full on third person game designed to push the computer you're running it on. Sleeping Dogs is much better though, in my opinion. Chinatown Wars was a good time killer on my DSi when I was bored, but the whole gameplay and graphics felt weird compared to GTA 4 at the time.

Ah, I see. I might get both. Although, when it comes to Sleeping Dogs, I think I'm going to wait until the next gen remaster comes out to go out and get it.


New Member
It's good to see a GTA game with a top down view, gives me a lot of nostalgia. However, once the nostalgic feeling passes the game is average at best. Not really on the same level to be called a GTA game.


New Member
There are some cool little features in Chinatown Wars, but of course, I'd say that the recent ones are much better.


New Member
It's always good to do something new and a top down view is great idea, probably a lot of people would dislike the idea but I mean come on it's good to do something new and changing which can take this thing to a whole different level.


I was actually surprised when they released this game. But it was actually fun to play this game. It's nice change for GTA to have this kind.
For a portable release, this was the only logical choice. I really liked and respected the fact that they paid homage to their roots and reverted to the top-down view, and I strongly think that if they were to release a new GTA exclusive to mobile devices, a top-down choice would be a no-brainer for them.


New Member
None of you ever tried the older 3-D games in top-down mode? I did, especially in GTAIII....It was freakin wierd, man.

I don't think it was as hard as the older actual 3-D games, though, because we have different controllers now, and moving diagonally isn't such a hassle.


New Member
I really liked the fact they took it back to top down view it took me back a bit :) Obviously times had changed and graphics were a lot better but it was nice to see that they hadn't forgotten how they started off :)


New Member
Anyone have any tips for the mission, where I have to steal some sick person in an ambulance? I play on ANdroid, it says to tap the heart mnitor to restart the guy's heart, but no matter if I stop, I keep driving, if I tap once, tap repeatedly or hold the heart monitor, the mission still fails.


New Member
The fact that it used a top-down view was funny, as it was a bit of a homage to the first-generation GTA games, but I didn't really enjoy it from a gameplay perspective. It was a good game for when I didn't have anything else to play or do, but I haven't picked it up in a while... I'd much rather play the third-person games, to be quite honest.


I have seen the older GTA games, and I'm not really thrilled to see a whole GTA game being in top down view. It seems to make me lack focus if I were to play it. I would prefer a 3D view of the game.


New Member
It wasn't much of a shock for me, but this game was. The game was a huge disappointment for me as it did not feel like a GTA game but rather felt like a GTA ripoff. I've played Grand Theft Auto 2 and GTA Advance and even those felt more like an actual GTA game. The controls in this game is really terrible for me too as they try to make use of the DS touchscreen a lot which kind of bugs me.
I never played it. I have never played any of the top down view Grand Theft Auto games to be honest and it's probably a good thing. I have always enjoyed the Grand Theft Auto games and personally I doubt I would like this top down view camera angle. It would just feel too weird as well because I have always played with the normal camera angle. You also don't get to enjoy every little thing Rockstar as much because your view is limited