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First person trucking looks awesome

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I just saw this video (
), and I love the way the game looks right now. I had no idea it was out, but sadly, only on consoles, as expected. We still have to wait a month or two to get the PC version, which makes me a bit sad.

Anyhow, these random missions like trucking, taxi driving, firefighting, ambulance driving, vigilante missions are what made San Andreas that much more special. GTA IV didn't have these things, and it felt empty. I am glad they have returned these things to GTA V.


Well, I hope that the wait is going to be worth it. I can't believe that they delayed the game for PC, again. They treat us like second class citizens.


Well, it could be delayed because they are further improving and optimizing the game. I'd much rather wait two months, and get a good release, than have it released now but as a horrible port. I want it to play good on my machine, at least on the lowest of settings, but I want good FPS. I NEED good FPS. This is the game that I've been waiting for ever since I played San Andreas, GTA IV was just not right. This is the one I need, all the others were bad compared to this.
The "First Person Mode" has made me so excited for this game! I mean, besides doing this and pretty much emulating Euro Truck Simulator 2 in GTA, I am even more excited to go dirt biking down Mount Chiliad. I recently found a video about it and it was like a video that was made with a GoPro camera strapped on the biker's head.


Active Member
First-person definitely changes up the game and gives it an entirely different feel. GTA is always best as a third-person experience, but first-person mode is going to make this game far more exciting nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
I was skeptical of this deed feature at first but after seeing the different activities being done in first person view I was convinced that it was a great addition. I think the trucks do look like a great way to use the view but I think I'll enjoy the aircrafts even more.


Well, yeah, it looks a lot better than expected. They put a lot of detail into the car interiors and such. The truck has almost as much detail as ETS2. Of course, the side mirrors don't work but, that's kind of to be expected for a game like this. Or, it's only available on PC, since that video was on a console. Biking down Mt. Chilliad, trucking, flying aircraft and driving a tank, what else would you guys be doing with the first person mode?


I have been looking at some of the videos of the game that have been showing some of the first person in that game and I will tell you that it looks like it will be really cool to play this game I the first person.

I know that when this game gets released on the PC that the game will be really good and the first person looks like it will be sick.


First, the trucking looks amazing, but the cabin is a little bit low detail on the textures. Maybe I am being spoiled by Euro Truck Sim 2, but I hope the interiors are better for the PC version. Second, the trucks stop and start a bit too fast, at the beginning of the video, you can see the truck just jolt forward when he accelerates, which is pretty unrealistic.


New Member
Yes, it defintely looks awesome. have already seen a couple of first person videos on YouTube. I just wish they could release the game with PS4 and Xbox One release, but they delayed it on PC. Well, better late than never. I am definitely looking forward to it now.