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Favourite console

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Mine is the N64. It just has something special. There were a lot of great titles for the console. Back then everything felt bigger and deeper in comparison to the PS1 and the Sega Saturn.


I really like my XBOX360. I'm a modern gamer and like sticking with the times; I liked the old consoles but I prefer the newer ones.


My favourite console is the Gamecube. It didn't have a great number of games but the ones that it did have were golden.
It's between the PS1 and the PS2 for me. While the PS2 technically has the better games, there is a lot of nostalgia with the PS1. Plus, the PS1 had awesome JRPGs. If I had to choose one, it would be the PS1. Tough choice, though.


My favorite gaming console is the Playstation 3 that I am using now, I am waiting for the Playstation 4 eagerly and if it is a good console, my favorite can change considerably .................... :)


The PS2 - it had so many great games, and I played it for so long... I'm not saying it wouldn't be better to play them all on the PS3, if they were made with the graphics it is capable of - it would be nicer with better graphics. Its just the games I played for so long were on the PS2.
My favorite console would have to be the PS2. It's not just the nostalgia, but the great RPG series that I remember on it like Dragon Quest, and the old kind of Final Fantasy like Final Fantasy X. It was also the console that I played the much loved Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Unfortunately mine broke a long while ago, but the PS2 will always hold a special place in my heart for good memories.


New Member
My pick would definitely be the first playstation. I have so many happy memories with that sony console. With a multitude of quality games, It's really one of the best of all time. I still play ps1 games using my emulator.


Well-Known Member
My favorite console was the PS2. It had lots of great games that were very diverse, and I really enjoyed playing it with my friends. Nowadays, all multiplayer is done pretty much online, so I'd say I still prefer the older ones wherein you got to play with your friends in person.


My pick will be PS2. I have never owned one. But I have played so many times on my friend's station and I often visited my local gaming cafe. I still try to play Ps2 titles on PC via emulators. Currently playing RE4 on it. But I won't recommend playing it on PC though. It is too much work.


If the PC doesn't count then I will need to pick the PS2. The sheer amount of RockStar games that launched on the PS2 was amazing. From games like Bully to GTA, it had them all. I still own a PS2 just for them alone.


Xbox360 is the real thing. You can game until you feel you just need a break. You get to game at high resolution games and make the most out of a game.


Well-Known Member
My pick will be PS2. I have never owned one. But I have played so many times on my friend's station and I often visited my local gaming cafe. I still try to play Ps2 titles on PC via emulators. Currently playing RE4 on it. But I won't recommend playing it on PC though. It is too much work.
I tried doing this for my PC once or twice and I failed miserably, which is a shame because it's really the only console that i want to play. Hopefully someday it will get easier or at least the old games would get released for new consoles.


It has to be PS3 for me, because I played the most games on this console and I got used to it in the proces. I don't think that there is a big difference between Xbox360 and PS3, but because I played on PS3 a lot more games I preffer this one.
I will always have a soft spot for the PS2. I've spent hours on Dynasty Warriors, Kingdom Hearts, and the Jak and Daxter games. Things were much simpler back then. I miss those days.


Playstation 1
First console I ever used to feature discs.
My favorite games:
Final Fantasy VII & IX, Gex, Resident Evil 1, 2, & 3