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Favorite style/clothes?

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New Member
My favorite shop is Perseus cause I love dressing him up in fancy suits before going on killing sprees or dates :cool:


New Member
I usually enjoy a casual combo, so I like to use a pair of T-shirt and jeans for my character in open-world games. However, Niko Bellic in GTA:IV looks better with a suit style combo (from Perseus, of course) and GTA:IV doesn't really have good casual clothing in my opinion. A tuxedo on Niko Bellic looks better. As far as The Lost and the Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony are concerned, I play them in their default clothes.


New Member
I love getting suits for Niko. He looks cool with the the suits throughout the city. And yes, like yours, Perseus is my favorite place to get the best suites for him.


New Member
All about the suits to be honest!
You want to look classy while going round robbing people and messing with the police xD


I sometimes had him in the nice suit attire, for dates and missions, but I'd sometimes mess with how nice he looks by putting sneakers on him instead of loafers. Give him the "boy band" look, and then I'd quietly laugh to myself. I also had this black and white leather jacket that I honestly forgot how I acquired it (It has an angel wing motif on the back), but I'd have Niko wear that and some jeans.


My favorite shop is Perseus too. I love suits. Niko looks cool and clean when he wear suits. And also there are only few clothes to choose unlike GTA SA I'm kinda disappointed about it.


New Member
I love Claude's outfit from GTA 3! That was the most cool outfit I wore all the time. I felt like an assassin haha! I wish that GTA 4 got a remake on PS4.


New Member
I liked to make Niko wear suits for two reasons, 1: they make him look badass, and 2: normal clothes make him look fat. I liked the thought of Niko being an athletic build, but it looks like he has a beer gut, so the suits are much more slimming.


New Member
I agree with the Perseus suits. Niko just looks really good in them too. Occasionally I dress him down and give him the cheapest clothes I can find and head to the slums. It's fun to role play


New Member
By thе еnd оf thе gаmе yоu will hаvе sо muсh unnееdеd саsh thаt yоu will bе аblе tо litеrаlly buy аll аvаilаblе сlоthing оptiоns frоm thе stоrеs аvаilаblе. Fitting in with thе stylе Nikо wеаrs by dеfаult thе Russiаn сlоthing stоrе is bеst, fоr sоmеthing similаr but mоrе tidy usе Mоdо аnd fоr smаrt suits usе Pеrsеus. Thеrе аrе аlsо vаriоus оutfits/itеms yоu gеt during thе соursе оf thе gаmе sо thеrе is а gооd vаriеty tо сhооsе frоm аt thе еnd.


Active Member
If I had to choose any I would also choose the Persues as well as I think it fits the type of character that we want to be in the game. I know that when we first start off, our character doesn't have much cash but as we get further into the game then we start to become richer. The Persues suits that we can buy fit into the way of life that we are trying to achieve, and in the real world you wouldn't get a millionaire walking round in jeans and a vest top, so why would you do that in the game?
I think the Hawaiian shirt and shorts are the best clothing style for this game. Killing, shooting and running away. I love that all stuff. It looks cool to wear casual stuff as such people don't care that what world say about them.


Well the formal look suits him, but I really don't care much for fashion in real life, so it's the same when I play the game. Any style would be alright for me.


New Member
The suits aren't bad but I usually go along with the default. I think there's no time to be dressing. You just got to get the job done.

There were few times I went for suits, because I just felt like spending money I thought was too much. :D


Active Member
I don't usually follow any type of fashion... I always wear what I like and what makes me happier / most comfortable. :D But I can say that in general, I prefer the more casual clothes. :cool:


New Member
I think I agree with the fancy suits and good look if they are about to go on a spree. Of course it is not high on the list, but if I think about it I do pay some attention.