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F1 2013 F1 2O13: Did you like the game or not? How would you rare it/

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If you are a die-hard racing fan and haven't played F1 2013 yet, you are doing yourself a great disservice. Go and play it now and then join the discussion here.

Now for those who have played it, how would you rate his game out of 10? What things did you like and dislike about it? Where could they improve but didn't? What's your final score?

I for one loved it and the only thing I disliked was the steering assistance. Otherwise, it's a perfect game. a 8/10 from me. What's your score?


New Member
Personally and I am ashamed to say (whisper) this was the first F1 game I have played... I have never found the appeal to the sport but I thought I would just give it a go anndddd im glad to say I did!!! I have found a new love for the technicality of the sport and the game has unbelievable realistic features/graphics. I really enjoyed it and thought it deserves a well earned 9/10


It's a pretty decent game as far as racers go, but for me it just lacks any sort of "god-tier" flair. Like you say, the steering assistance is annoying; it would have been better as an optional feature. 7/10.


It's a pretty decent game as far as racers go, but for me it just lacks any sort of "god-tier" flair. Like you say, the steering assistance is annoying; it would have been better as an optional feature. 7/10.
Yes, the assistance is so uncalled for. It's good for newbies who aren't used to the game, but for pros who have already gotten the hang ff the game, it can be irksome. It's a really solid game nonetheless. Is there nay mod that disables the assistance?


New Member
This game was actually great, and i say that because i was never into that kind of games. I could not play for long though, but i find this game really amusing, especially when you're racing a friend or playing online.


This game was actually great, and i say that because i was never into that kind of games. I could not play for long though, but i find this game really amusing, especially when you're racing a friend or playing online.
Playing with friends is always amazing and proves to be a great experience no matter which game you are playing. Tale Payday 2 as an example. It sucks as a SP game, but when you play it with friends, this is where the game shines.
It was okay, I wasn't really impressed by it. 6/10

There wasn't anything which really seemed to make it a must-play, something which made it incredible rather than bland.


I thought it was ok but not the best its what it is what i find with racing games now adays is that there mostly all the same :(


New Member
Don't like the steering assistance but I'm sure I'll get used to it the more I play, also nothing really outstanding for me at the moment. 7.5/10 for now, but I might change this later.


New Member
It's good, nothing god tier level of gaming.

The 80's and 90's mode is good fun and shows off the difference in the way the car handles compared to the new cars of today.

It's not as "sim-like" as much as i;d like but i do play it quite a bit.

So my conclusion is I'll give it a solid 8 out of 10, fun but not as "sim-y" as I'd like. :)


New Member
I really liked the game. I didn't expect much of it, to be honest, but it turned out to be a great racing game! It's easy to control and it doesn't bore you after an hour.

If I have to rate it, I would give it solid 8 out of 10. And, for those who know me: to give such a high note is very rare for me.


New Member
I would say the game is really good, I love the overall racing style, it really is interesting rather than most racing games where I just feel bored out. I'd give it an 8.5/10


I played this at a friends house for the first time and, I was fairly impressed with the mechanics. I will say though, this game is pretty difficult to pick right up and play, but I enjoyed racing my friends.


New Member
I haven't had a chance to play it but my uncle who is a big F1 fan swears by it. Although he isn't much of a gamer so I don't know. The graphics are pretty awesome I will say that. If I get a chance to play I will definitely let you guys know.