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Drug Testing in E-Sports?

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To some people who focus on e-sports like I do, you may have heard about some controversy concerning Adderall. It’s a medication that people with ADHD take to focus better rather than being distracted because of their disorder. I follow Counter-Strike and its professional aspect of the game quite closely, and it’s come to light that one of the biggest names in its pro scene, Cloud 9, has took Adderall while playing a game. An ex-member, Semphis, claimed that his team and himself took Adderall while on LAN in one of its biggest majors, ESL One Cologne 2014. Now, ESL is conducting drug tests with various users. This is pretty big and I was quite shocked that this happened. What are your thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
I think it should remain illegal because it would only set a precedent that would eventually force other players to be on it too. It's best to keep things fair.


That's an interesting topic. I think drug testing should be done on the playerrs. We need to make e-sports a serious buisiness !


Active Member
I don't think we're quite there yet, but drug use could be a pretty big problem in the E-sports scene. I'm sure the players would love some heightened senses when they play reflex-intensive games.


I didn't think there was a drug that could help you be better at games, I'm kinda surprised honestly. Heh, I might need to try some...


Well-Known Member
That's an interesting topic. I think drug testing should be done on the playerrs. We need to make e-sports a serious buisiness !
Yeah I think this would only tarnish the esports industry since it is still new. Sports like baseball are a little less impervious to these types of scandals. Additionally, physical sports usually only require physical enhancers and I'm not sure ones meant for mental enhancement are as safe in the long term.


I didn't think there was a drug that could help you be better at games, I'm kinda surprised honestly. Heh, I might need to try some...
Amphetamines help you concentrate, especially if you were up all night partying. There are other experimental drugs out there these days that stimulates the brain.


Active Member
Well, in CS:GO among other eSports players are already drinking energy drinks like water. Is caffeine a performance enhancing drug? There's lots of grey areas that require a definite ruling, and an assessment of how influential they are on player performance.
Apparently some people take video games seriously enough to actually take drugs to "perform" better than the rest. I say treat them like steroid users in sports. They take drugs not to be healthy, but so they can have the edge over their competition, a competition with abstract rules and objectives that everyone must follow. These guys are a disgrace to the game, and should really be removed for the fairness of the competition.


New Member
That seems a little bit weird to me. It's e-sports in the first place. You can't better your performance drastically by just taking some drugs. That will never happen.


Well-Known Member
That seems a little bit weird to me. It's e-sports in the first place. You can't better your performance drastically by just taking some drugs. That will never happen.
There are some medications that can increase your attention and I think it should definitely help with playing video games though I don't know if that's enough to warrant a test since I think as long as you are good you can beat anyone even on those pills.


New Member
There are some medications that can increase your attention and I think it should definitely help with playing video games though I don't know if that's enough to warrant a test since I think as long as you are good you can beat anyone even on those pills.

Could you please name them? Maybe I have a huge knowledge gap.
If they want e-sports to be taken seriously they're definitely doing the right thing by implementing drug tests. Performance enhancers are not allowed in regular sports and they shouldn't be in e-sports either.


With each passing year, E-Sports is becoming more and more of a mainstream thing. If it wants to be taken seriously, people who are abusing drugs for higher performance need to be dealt with and drug testing needs to be implemented, just like in regular sports.


Well-Known Member
Could you please name them? Maybe I have a huge knowledge gap.
I don't think it would be right to talk about them here sorry but there are legal pills out there that require prescription that help with focus as they are mostly used by people with attention deficit, so I'm guessing when people with normal attention levels use them they just tend to increase focus a bit more than average.


Well am I completely wrong to guess that a lot of them would fail for marijuana. Now that I think about though, if it really is a competitive thing, you might suspect the drugs that keep you awake and alert, and so maybe your traditional uppers are the problem. I am curious to see what these tests are really there for. Thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
Well am I completely wrong to guess that a lot of them would fail for marijuana. Now that I think about though, if it really is a competitive thing, you might suspect the drugs that keep you awake and alert, and so maybe your traditional uppers are the problem. I am curious to see what these tests are really there for. Thanks for sharing.
I think most of them will probably test positive for it but I doubt they will use it during competition since it will dull their reflexes. That's the one I don't believe they should test or include in the category of cheating since it even gives the opposing team an advantage if it's used in competition.