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Driveclub won't run at 60 fps?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Ghost Rider

The developers of DriveClub said that the game would run at 1080p but only at 30fps (at the moment). They say that they're pushing the PlayStation 4 to the limits. Do you think that the developers should stay with 30fps? Or do you think that they should just make it run at 720p but at 60fps? What do you think?


Id prefer 1080p and 30 FPS because its not like its going to be lagging like mad with that amount maybe 1 or 2 lag spikes now and again but nothing major really doesn't bother me i play Minecraft in 21 FPS.


Well, consider that its a next gen game, it should play at 60 FPS and 1080P. This could very well be a deal breaker for some people. I am in though as I don't have any issue with 30P to be honest. It plays just fine. But I would prefer a 60P version.
Of course, people will prefer a 60fps to a 30fps game. But in terms of real-life difference, I doubt it'll change enough to make it a deal breaker. Disappointing? Yes. Dealbreaker? No.


Active Member
Not right now it won't. The developers said they're already pushing Play Station 4 to its limits and it won't be able to run more than 1080p at 30 frames per second but they are trying to optimize the code to increase this limit. On the other hand, they say the graphics are worth it.


As I've stated in another similar topic:

You don't understand how behind the hardware for PS4 and Xbox One are. The moment the hardware information was released to the public, the system was already outdated before we even started a conversation about it. And with what it looks like currently, it's comparable to a low-mid end gaming PC, but even with the proprietary console platform to give it a little bit of boost in performance, it still won't compare to the easily upgrade-able PC whose hardware will keep improving yearly. This is the downside of consoles. Even though they are claiming to be next gen with better graphics, they still can't run at 1080p on a playable constant FPS. Most likely they will be 720p to a maximum of 900p (1600x900), as expected.

The PS4 hardware is still not on par with mid-high end PC's even today (even before the PS4 release, PC hardware has always been and still will be better than consoles, obviously). It's actually amazing that the game can run at 30 FPS on 1080P. You guys are lucky for that and shouldn't complain. It's not the developer's fault, but Sony and Microsoft's fault for choosing to have hardware that is low end and not upgradable.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping that they will get better with the technology as time passes, such as what happened with the PS3. As for the FPS, I would certainly like to get the best one, but I'm not too shaken up about not getting it right now. The graphics seem like it will still be a huge improvement anyway, and I could enjoy myself with 16 bit games, let alone these current fancier ones, so I say wait it out and see what else they can come up with, and if they fall short then we simply stop supporting them.


New Member
The developers of DriveClub said that the game would run at 1080p but only at 30fps (at the moment). They say that they're pushing the PlayStation 4 to the limits. Do you think that the developers should stay with 30fps? Or do you think that they should just make it run at 720p but at 60fps? What do you think?
Anything that prevents lag I'll go for. Having a game lag is one of my biggest pet peeves. I can't stand it. That said I wouldn't mind if the developers stuck with 30fps.


New Member
Well, consider that its a next gen game, it should play at 60 FPS and 1080P. This could very well be a deal breaker for some people. I am in though as I don't have any issue with 30P to be honest. It plays just fine. But I would prefer a 60P version.

I don't really think that driveclub can push the next gen console to run 1080P with 60 FPS, besides, there's no real difference between 30 and 60 FPS.
Well a lot of other games on the PS4 are doing 1080p at 60 fps, so I wonder why Drive Club can't. Sure the console hardware isn't up to scratch when compared to a lot of gaming PCs but it's still good enough to give a 60fps. I mean a lot of other more heavy duty looking games are pulling it off, why can't the devs at Drive Club do it then.


New Member
Well a lot of other games on the PS4 are doing 1080p at 60 fps, so I wonder why Drive Club can't. Sure the console hardware isn't up to scratch when compared to a lot of gaming PCs but it's still good enough to give a 60fps. I mean a lot of other more heavy duty looking games are pulling it off, why can't the devs at Drive Club do it then.

They probably have their reasons. Chances are that they're still in the process of optimizing the game, hence the "at the moment". We're still pretty early on in the life of the new consoles, you aren't going to see the most amazingly optimized titles yet. It takes a few years for devs to experiment and find more efficient ways to use the hardware.

At the moment, a lot of people just treating the question of 720p/1080p and 30/60FPS as a choice, and implementing whichever is more convenient for them. Evolution probably thought that the game could benefit from a higher resolution and textures more than a boost in the framerate.


New Member
60 FPS is supposed to be a gold standard for a modern era racing game. The smoothness of motion helps the sense of speed. Hopefully the developers find a way to boost the framerate up to 60 through optimization.

I don't really think that driveclub can push the next gen console to run 1080P with 60 FPS, besides, there's no real difference between 30 and 60 FPS.
There's a significant difference, actually.

Try that on for size. The motion is noticeably smoother, and just overall feels better on the eyes. I'd rather play a racing game with that smooth motion.


Are you serious? We USED to get plenty of 60fps games.. and now we are getting very few.. 30fps makes me get headaches sometimes.. blegh..
Well, I really got used to playing at 30 FPS, so this isn't a big issue. Once you get used to it, it all comes naturally. However, in time, I really hope it will run at 60fps someday.


New Member
This is disappointing because the difference between 30 and 60 FPS in a racing game is usually very telling. Most racing games are built on the adrenaline rush you get from watching things zoom by and at 30 FPS this effect is diminished greatly. The game still looks excellent but it's unfortunate corners are being cut so early in the next-gen's consoles lives. These systems were designed for ease of use and accessibility so it's unlikely to see the hardware tricks we have seen utilized in earlier generations as consoles become older.

There will still be tricks and innovation as the devs figure out the hardware but Drive Club is pretty much stuck at this point. Oh well, gotta pay the price somewhere for all those pretty visuals.