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Driveclub Not Delayed To Add VR

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Shawn Hopkins

Sony is squashing rumors that its flagship racer was delayed to make it compatible with its new virtual reality project, Project Morpheus. “There’s a rumor about the reason of the pushback of Driveclub was to make it Morpheus compatible…that’s totally untrue,” PlayStation president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida told Gamespot. He said that instead the delay, […]

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Well-Known Member
It never even crossed my mind that it would be because of VR, and I always just assumed they were just polishing up the game. I think VR would have to get a lot more popular for games to start jumping on the bandwagon. I admit it would be cool for racing games, though, and it's made me more excited for this technology to arrive.


It never even crossed my mind that it would be because of VR, and I always just assumed they were just polishing up the game. I think VR would have to get a lot more popular for games to start jumping on the bandwagon. I admit it would be cool for racing games, though, and it's made me more excited for this technology to arrive.

It's not just about games jumping onto the VR bandwagon though. Sony wants a big flagship game to launch Morpheus with, so that people are interested in it as a product. It looks like this game won't be there big launch title, but they will find another one.


I don't mind they have VR or not, but this delay is very disturbing. I hope they release it soon. This hype is killing me :(.