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Driveclub Launch Date Gets Even More Shaky

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Shawn Hopkins

The ambitious Sony driving game that was supposed to launch along with the PS4 has been delayed more than once, but recent statements from Scott Rohde, PlayStation Software Product Development Head for Sony Worldwide Studios America, seem like they might push the date back from the promised “early 2014″ to “when it’s ready.” Rohde explained where the […]

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Well-Known Member
That's too bad. I personally was looking forward to this game the most when Sony first showed previews at E3. I feel bad for the early adopters who were looking forward to playing this game even more, but it's not the worst thing in the world to happen and as long as they make the game great then I think it's okay.


Not really surprised. Sony keeps delaying everything for their PS4 at the moment. They really need to focus on the vita before it dies completely..