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Drive Club hype has died down

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Ghost Rider

The hype of Drive Club has reached its peak weeks before the release of the PS4. But then, Sony announced that it would be delayed up to next year. Nice move Sony. Drive Club no longer has the hype behind it. If it were released at launch, it may have sold a lot. But now that it has been delayed, I wonder if it will still be able to generate a lot of sales... I hope so.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I think had it been released on the originally planned released date, it would have been very much beneficial for the developers and Sony equally. Having this and Watch Dogs both delayed really didn't leave much for the early adopters to play with, but I think it's for the best as I would assume having a well polished game will still generate a good amount of hype and will still end up being infinitely more beneficial.


I would say that maybe it was a good move on Sony's part. There have been a lot of heavy hitter racing games recently like Forza and Grand Turismo being released recently. Maybe they would regain the hype. I remember a few years ago two games Blur and Split Second being released in quick succession. Both were pretty good racing games but neither took off because the market seemed saturated.


Yeah it'll probably gain alot more hype once we get around the time of about... feb or march. Until then though I think it's going to be pretty quiet..


New Member
Ok, so I guess Im behind the eight ball a bit on this one since I don't have a PS but I assuming Drive Club is a new racing game for this platform? Please forgive my ignorance on this one, but since I have decided to put off my PS upgrade for a bit, I haven't been keeping up with the games like I should.
It kind of seems like both of the next-gen systems took most of their launch games out of the holiday season. Hopefully this means when they finally get released that they'll be more polished but the waiting is pretty unfortunate.


Well-Known Member
It kind of seems like both of the next-gen systems took most of their launch games out of the holiday season. Hopefully this means when they finally get released that they'll be more polished but the waiting is pretty unfortunate.
I agree. It's since then been delayed even further and it definitely is highly unfortunate both for the company and for the fans, I think. I was hoping for this to be a good alternative to GT since I don't play that game, and also I was looking forward to the online gameplay of it, but if the hype dies down then it has even less of a chance to become successful, but I trust that if it's made well then it will still garner attention.


Is there any confirmation about the release date yet? They can still resume advertising it on a later date and then we guys will surely jump in on the Drive Club bandwagon again :p .


Well-Known Member
Is there any confirmation about the release date yet? They can still resume advertising it on a later date and then we guys will surely jump in on the Drive Club bandwagon again :p .
I read in the news area of this forum that it's gotten delayed further, so I don't think there is an exact release date as of now. I agree that they will just probably do some marketing when they are ready to release it and people will start talking about it again.


I read in the news area of this forum that it's gotten delayed further, so I don't think there is an exact release date as of now. I agree that they will just probably do some marketing when they are ready to release it and people will start talking about it again.
I believe that same strategy will be applied when Rockstar finally releases GTA V for PC. At least I hope so :D.


Well-Known Member
I believe that same strategy will be applied when Rockstar finally releases GTA V for PC. At least I hope so :D.
I do hope PC gamers also get GTA V! It is a very fun game, and I'm sure it will sell well on the PC market. If I'm not mistaken, I think it's the fastest selling video game ever, if not one of them, so I'm guessing they don't even need that much in marketing budget even if they do decide to release it for PC in the future.


The hype will just come back once PS4 is launched. There will be more demand and the game will be back to its former glory. lets wait and see how it plays out.


I do hope PC gamers also get GTA V! It is a very fun game, and I'm sure it will sell well on the PC market. If I'm not mistaken, I think it's the fastest selling video game ever, if not one of them, so I'm guessing they don't even need that much in marketing budget even if they do decide to release it for PC in the future.
They have to release it. They won't neglect a booming market I hope.


Well-Known Member
They have to release it. They won't neglect a booming market I hope.
I agree. If I'm not mistaken, I think they have already released all their other games on PC and they have all yielded very fun mods, so I don't see why they should stop now. I saw some comments online that eluded to the possibility that they are only hesitant because of piracy on PC, but I doubt they will not profit off of it anyway even with this slight bump in the road.


Delayed games get there hype killed most of the times. Except one particular game. I wont say the name. Guess...


I agree, the hype for this game has died, which means that it will become even more successful and make us a bigger surprise!