Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Doesn't quite work on phones

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I played this quite some time ago on my sister's iphone and let me start by saying these types of games do not work on mobile phones. Now the likes of a PSP, Vita or DS there would be no problem playing this type of game, but I had such an annoying time playing this game on a phone. Touch screens aren't really the greatest when it comes to any driving portions in any games.

What do you guys think of the smart phone version of Chinatown wars? I haven't played it on anything else so I'm strictly going by the iPhone version.


New Member
Yeah I know how you feel dude. I purchased it for my iPhone a while back and oh man does it feel weird to play. You need to get one of those attachable controllers. I think they make them for the iPhone and any android phone. Could make the game more playable. I never played it on the PSP or DS so I don't know how much better or worse it is on actually gaming handhelds.


New Member
I find the GTA games really hard to play on my iPhone. The screen feels too small and I find it hard to do multiple things at once like turn and shoot as well as run away. I found it ok on the DS, but not on iPhone. It might be better on a tablet.


New Member
I have it for my iPad and quite enjoy it. The game itself is good, and I find controlling it pretty easy. I can understand where you guys are coming from though with you having to play it on smaller screens. And to answer Carl, the games work well with PSP :)


New Member
I find the GTA games really hard to play on my iPhone. The screen feels too small and I find it hard to do multiple things at once like turn and shoot as well as run away. I found it ok on the DS, but not on iPhone. It might be better on a tablet.

I think it is fine on IPhone, for me it works though


New Member
I just don't think games like this are designed for iphones/smartphones etc etc. The minimum you could get away with is tablet but it will never be the same as a PC or - best of all - large screen TV. I know there is a market for now but in future I can see budgets for games like this being restricted to the big screen experience.


New Member
Ive tried playing the game on my IPhone as well and it doesn't work that well. A game like Grand Theft Auto shouldn't even be on the IPhone anyway, its only on it because of greed.


New Member
I don't think GTA should ever be played on a tab or IPhone, I think it just kills the gaming experience over all. I feel portable gaming devices like PS3 are great but not Iphone


New Member
I have tried it on Iphone. It was quite okay, like many others have mentioned it doesnt do the game justice at all. But I was actually wondering if that's because you are so used to playing it on a PSP with a big screen and so forth. Everything besides what you have started out on/have most time on will feel a bit "off". That doesn't mean its the most optimal way. But it probably is, hehe.


New Member
I agree, we tried it and it was very bad. It's a waste of time honestly, when you compare it to PSP.

But I do like the option. Options are always good. If I have a lot of time on my hands I might play for a while, just to kill time.


I ha no problems playing it on my iPod Touch, I actually founds the controls very well done. Maybe I'm more used to games on my touch. haha


Gaming is nowhere near ready for phones unless it's something like the Xperia play which has a DPAD built into it. In that case I'm all for it but otherwise it just doens't work without some sort of physical button system.


New Member
I was considering on buying GTA games for my iphone but after looking at the responses here, I'm glad I didn't buy them yet. I always have reservations when getting games on the phone because of the controls.


New Member
It definitely didn't feel right. The whole entire game itself felt very clunky and the controls were extremely hard to get used to. I would prefer the DS version. I think games like that on the iPhone won't be too successful due to the fact that the iPhone wasn't made for gaming. The controls are too hard to master.


I remember playing the DS version and then going back and playing the PSP and phone versions at my various friends houses. They are really not the way the game is mean't to be played for good reason. I'd say if you can you should definitely look into getting a DS original version of the game if you really want to play it. It's how it was mean't to be.


New Member
I remember playing the DS version and then going back and playing the PSP and phone versions at my various friends houses. They are really not the way the game is mean't to be played for good reason. I'd say if you can you should definitely look into getting a DS original version of the game if you really want to play it. It's how it was mean't to be.

I agree I only played and own a DS that is enough for me, but personally I don't think I will ever get into gaming on any type of phone, but that's just me.


New Member
I agree I only played and own a DS that is enough for me, but personally I don't think I will ever get into gaming on any type of phone, but that's just me.
Not all games suck on phones, there are some that work really well with touchscreens. Too bad GTA games aren't one of them. I don't know why they bothered releasing console games on phones anyway.


I really enjoyed playing it on my iPhone, I thought the controls were well done and the game performed well. I haven't played the game on any other platforms so I don't have anything to compare it to, but it was a good experience for me and I would love a sequel.


New Member
I already said this on another post- in my opinion, these iphone and tablet games are not designed for people to spend hours playing them- they're designed to keep you entertained when your waiting for the Doctor to see you and stuff like that. To confirm what i'm saying, you just have to notice how fast gaming on your phone drains the battery.