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Does SA have the most unrealistic missions ever?

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New Member
I agree with original poster. There were some missions such as ricing a sanchez whilst Big Smoke tried to shoot the gangsters on the train which as quite hard in my opinion. For such an early stage of a game that mission took some time. In addition the mission where you shoot the RC planes with a minigun was quite tricky.

This was the most unrealistiv part.....why would any complain that they thing they were shooting at was too close! We've all failed that mission countless times because that fat pillion wanted to take long shots and ranted more than grudges there :p


Active Member
This was the most unrealistiv part.....why would any complain that they thing they were shooting at was too close! We've all failed that mission countless times because that fat pillion wanted to take long shots and ranted more than grudges there :p

Even now after so long I still don't know what to say about that mission. I'm not even going to put it in a realistc, or unrealistic category, and I'll just call it ridiculous instead!


New Member
Well, if the missions were to realistic then it most likely wouldn't be fun. But yeah, I could see a couple of missions not exactly being too realistic.


This was the most unrealistiv part.....why would any complain that they thing they were shooting at was too close! We've all failed that mission countless times because that fat pillion wanted to take long shots and ranted more than grudges there :p
For some reason I’ve never had that much trouble with that mission. The trick is to keep your distance from the train so Big Smoke won’t shoot the side of the train instead of the gangsters.


New Member
For some reason I’ve never had that much trouble with that mission. The trick is to keep your distance from the train so Big Smoke won’t shoot the side of the train instead of the gangsters.
Yeah, though if you really want to make a the game unrealistic you could just pop in some cheat codes. But that would take the fun out of things.


I think that's what makes a good game... Especially for me. You get to do incredible missions that are impossible in real life. A good game leaves room for imagination.

Pretty cool huh.


Yeah, though if you really want to make a the game unrealistic you could just pop in some cheat codes. But that would take the fun out of things.
I don't think any cheat would help in that mission. You mostly have to rely on the a.i Big Smoke to do his thing.


New Member
Good point there. It has been a while since I played SA and most of the time I just messed around with cheat codes. I usually failed on the missions.


I won't say unrealistic but just the harder to cover. I am sure you can see why the game sold the most. And also it is one of the favorite among the GTA community. So that is what makes the game a bit different.
GTA was NEVER stuppose to be realistic. Even GTA 5 is far away from beeing reaslitic ( 1 guy fights 50 enemies all alone...)

It is suppose to be fun, and i think it wouldn't , if its realistic.

Do you know Mafia- city of lost heaven? This game was pretty realistic : cops arrest you if they see you carrying a gun, cops are after you if you drive too fast or don't stop at a red light or make a crash with another car or building, you can only carry 1 large firearm and 3 smaller weapons... you know what happened? they removed all those features in Mafia 2, because it totally SUCKED.
I agree.


I think every game has unrealistic missions, why would a protagonist waste his time to do them? :D
But I suppose some of them are unrealistic, like attacking with the jetpack the train delivery of US research facility.
GTA was NEVER stuppose to be realistic. Even GTA 5 is far away from beeing reaslitic ( 1 guy fights 50 enemies all alone...)

It is suppose to be fun, and i think it wouldn't , if its realistic.

Do you know Mafia- city of lost heaven? This game was pretty realistic : cops arrest you if they see you carrying a gun, cops are after you if you drive too fast or don't stop at a red light or make a crash with another car or building, you can only carry 1 large firearm and 3 smaller weapons... you know what happened? they removed all those features in Mafia 2, because it totally SUCKED.
I see.


New Member
I think every game has unrealistic missions, why would a protagonist waste his time to do them? :D
But I suppose some of them are unrealistic, like attacking with the jetpack the train delivery of US research facility.
Yeah, but that is what makes the game so interesting and fun.


I don't understand why nermin spams every forum thread. And the issue that we have a lot of common answers on SA. I have no idea on that.