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Does It Annoy You That You Also Have To Feed CJ In The Game?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I think they copied that feeding thing from The Sims, which is totally fine, but we are required to feed him when his strength is low. Do you think that it slows you down in completing the game, or the extra task is something that you don't mind? At first I was amused with it, but now I think that it kinda slows me down. How about you?


New Member
It doesn't really annoy me, nor does it slow me down. In fact, in real life, you will have to eat whenever you're hungry. Similarly, you have to eat in moderation or you'll get fat or throw up. You can eat as much as you like as long as you keep yourself busy.


Active Member
Thats one of the parts of the game I liked the most, the fact that you had more interaction with the character. I wanted the other GTA's to carry that on, having to stop for food, going to the gym etc.
I actually think it's a good aspect of the game. It makes it feel more realistic that you have to eat from time to time when you get hungry. Other games like the Liberty City Stories don't require you to feed anyone, which doesn't give it the realistic feeling.


Active Member
I think a lot of people quite liked the extra interaction you got with your main character. That's why I was a little surprised that the only part of that for the next one was the dating.

And that was probably the most annoying interaction of the whole lot in my eyes. They definitely should have kept the going to the gym part aswell.


I loved that aspect, it made the game feel more real, in my opinion. Also the workout and stamina, made the game feel a bit more RPG-ish. I think it was a step in the right direction.


New Member
I honestly like that part, and the working out feature to help him get more in shape made me like it even more cause it's like "let's do some real life things in a game!" It's just something about realistic-ness in cool games like this that makes it more enjoyable to play. It makes me feel like I'm in control of more things and whenever you're in control of things... don't you want to explore how much conrol you have? Maybe that's just for people who likes being in control. LOL


New Member
Hmmm I don't really mind it, at the time it was something completely new and I loved everything about San Andreas. Made for an interesting idea.


New Member
I don't mind it. Sometimes when I had to do those ambulance missions you cant leave the vehicle so it's frustrating that you die from it maybe.


I also liked the feeding part when it was new to me, but after a while I eventually thought of it as a chore. Maybe because I'm struggling to do the missions, so my time is spent repeating it, so I want no interruptions.


Active Member
I think the having to stop for food made it more realistic, which I think rockstar was trying to do. Instead of just doing all the missions and going round causing mayhem, that was fun aswell of course, I think they wanted people to interact with the character more.

Having to go and eat, dating and going to the gym certainly made you feel more connected to the character.


Yeah it has a "Barbie-like" theme to it, and it made the game more realistic. Now the only thing that's missing in terms of "being human" is when CJ is required to pee or poo, lol.


New Member
It does because it's like an extra chore and burden, where you have to drive to some place and order something and eat. It keeps going down really fast and easily though, which is annoying.

Thomas Hall

New Member
I felt it was alright but in the Sims your character would get hungry at odd times and be annoying when trying to do things, in the Grand theft auto game Cj when I played it would get hungry sometimes and would feed him healthy meals and train him too. I did overfeed him once, and he spewed him up I think it is if you give him 10 meals so need to be careful and being obese makes it hard to do missions which can be hard to do. I think feeding him was handled alright in the game, and was a good thing to add to the game when they made it.


New Member
At first, it was a little annoying that, while I'm out shooting up my favorite street corners, I would suddenly start losing health because I failed to acknowledge some tiny prompt at the edge of my screen. Eventually, I accepted it as part of the game and would feed CJ every couple hours of game play. I always enjoyed the muscle/fat gaining part of the game, though. I hoped to see it in subsequent games, but I'm not exactly disappointed that it's not there. I'll settle for what GTAV has given us, in terms of 'RPG'-like stats.


I felt it was alright but in the Sims your character would get hungry at odd times and be annoying when trying to do things, in the Grand theft auto game Cj when I played it would get hungry sometimes and would feed him healthy meals and train him too. I did overfeed him once, and he spewed him up I think it is if you give him 10 meals so need to be careful and being obese makes it hard to do missions which can be hard to do. I think feeding him was handled alright in the game, and was a good thing to add to the game when they made it.

Lol, I haven't thought of overfeeding CJ yet, but now that you have mentioned it, I will do that too just to see how he will look like, but I will not save the game in his obese state.
I was very neutral to the mechanic, I honestly never even noticed it that much. All I did was eat something whenever I needed to recover health and that's it. It honestly felt like the mechanic was non-existend through my playthroughs.


New Member
I actually really liked it, I felt like one of the reasons why SA was so great to being with was the ridiculous attention to detail. And the feeding mechanic, while I could definitely see why someone wouldn't like it - was indeed one of those small detail features that sucked me in. (as dumb as it sounds)


New Member
I think it's a neat addition. It adds to the realism factor they seemed to be going for. Besides, one of my favorite things to do in the game was feed CJ until he gets so fat that he barfs.
A lot of my friends weren't even aware you could do that. It makes for a good laugh every time.