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Does anyone use Amazon?

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I managed to get free delivery with my items which saved me a few pounds compared to shopping on Ebay, have you shopped with Amazon yet?


I shop with Amazon, concerning with books mostly. I love books, especially if it's at a cheaper price. Amazon is one of the most trust-worthy and and one of the most recognizable shopping websites out there. My dad doesn't really enjoy shopping online, concerned about the product itself whether it's a video game, which really aren't that cheap at Amazon or a full-fledged product. I can see his point, but come on, books for cheap prices, what's not to love?


New Member
I shop with Amazon a lot. I buy books, music, movies, and games. I have bought a lot of good products on their website. I like some of their deals and I have also gotten some very hard to find products there also. I don't order enough to get free shipping all the time, but I like it when I do.


Active Member
I shop with both and I have to say I like Amazon the most. Their customer support is the best I've seen, fast and fair. Then there's the range of products that's unmatched by any other site. I'd rather buy new than used so Amazon is the first on my go-to list when I'm looking for something.


New Member
I think I will start using Amazon for my hard to find items. I was looking for an old video game and the price was too high on ebay, but Amazon had it and at a reasonable price.


I use Amazon so much that I decided to pay for a year of Amazon Prime. It means I get free next day delivery on all eligible items for the year. Not bad for £50


New Member
I thought about getting Amazon Prime, but I was undecided about it. I like the benefits of it, so I may just sign up for it.


New Member
I think I will use it since I have been doing a lot of shopping on Amazon lately. I do like the benefits and that's what I look for.


I shop with Amazon a lot and you can get some good deals there. Just be very careful with the up sell as it can be extreme. I have found items on their with a up sell of almost $20 at times.


New Member
I dislike them as a company, so I try to avoid it where I can. However I have gotten some electronics items off Amazon over the years when I couldn't find them otherwise.


New Member
yes I do. On some days they're good but on some other their service sucks especially this xmas season expect late deliveries from them :-(


I absolutely love Amazon! It's one of those sites where if you want to buy a gift and not sure what to get, they have a little bit of everything for everyone. I also love the speed of their shipping, as soon as you order, your package arrives in no time! It's truly awesome!


I use Amazon all the time, it has all sorts of different things, it's great how from the same store you can buy a graphics card, a sweatshirt, a carton of milk and have all of that shipped to your house the same day!


I managed to get free delivery with my items which saved me a few pounds compared to shopping on Ebay, have you shopped with Amazon yet?
Thats funny, I save money shipping on Ebay and that's why I just recently switched back to Ebay. I shop on amazon still, just not as much


I really want to buy from Amazon but they said that it's not available from my country. I know there is a way but it's too risky and there are many process so I can't buy things from them.


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to buy from there but I'm not from the US so I couldn't or even if I could the shipping fees would be insanely high. I sometimes browse the site and I always see something I like.


I shop wherever is cheapest and Amazon sometimes happens to be the place I buy from. I find myself buying from Ebay more than Amazon.
No i go directly to the manufactures of the products I ant to purchase and either buy it from them directly or use one of their resellers they advise on their site.