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Do you want a bigger or tighter map in GTA VI?

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A tighter map with more capabilities would be more intriguing to me. I love the fact they are expanding the universe; however, with so much time locked up with trying to create a massive map they are missing out on more amazing things that they could do. Imagine an original (scale wise) structure of Liberty City from GTA III, as far as size goes. Then you could focus on being able to walk into any building you want, more interactions with pedestrians, and a more solid focus on game-play as great as it is already. Each title that surfaces I hope they address the issue of being able to walk into any building, and slowly but surely this is being addressed. They certainly have the programming knowledge to do so, I just think the game spends too much time on trying to create a full-scale map, then other intricate details that could be added.


New Member
Like everyone else is saying, I think more interiors would vastly improve the game. I would be so happy if I could walk into a random building and honestly, I probably wouldn't mind if they had to make it a phase-in load rather than just a walk-in. I think it's a lot more immersive. The city can feel pretty empty where it shouldn't. There are some roads with nothing on them and little to look at once you get used to the scenery.


New Member
The denser the better, so I would lean towards tighter. Te best example I can think of is Arkham Asylum vs City. City was had a much bigger map with several Asylum sized buildings, but Asylum had a seemingly identical amount of easter eggs and in the smaller setting it really brought the world to life in a very unique way. I greatly preferred Arkham Asylum, but it seemed like most reviewers disagreed.

I just want intriguing locales, if focusing on a big map inhibits that I would welcome a smaller map with no complaints.


Bigger, I love being able to explore entire cities! When I visited LA this summer, I found myself recognizing parts from GTA. Imagine if they expanded on a larger city, or the entire country...
You are right. Well, most of the people would want bigger and detailed map. The detailed maps would look pretty cool.


The denser the better, so I would lean towards tighter. Te best example I can think of is Arkham Asylum vs City. City was had a much bigger map with several Asylum sized buildings, but Asylum had a seemingly identical amount of easter eggs and in the smaller setting it really brought the world to life in a very unique way. I greatly preferred Arkham Asylum, but it seemed like most reviewers disagreed.

I just want intriguing locales, if focusing on a big map inhibits that I would welcome a smaller map with no complaints.
The denser map would be good only if we can zoom into it. IIsn't it?


New Member
Honestly, I like big maps. I want the best of both worlds honestly. A huge map, with different environments and a ton to do would be ideal. I know how much work that takes, but it really is the ideal thing. I feel like GTA 5 had a huge map, but there wasn't a lot to do in about 70-80% of the areas. You could go up the mountain, and ride vehicles off them, but that was about it. I hope they find a perfect balance, but I don't like being restricted to small maps. If I could have it my way, I'd love to have a map the size of like half the U.S. or something.


New Member
I would choose a bigger map. I think the bigger maps give you more things to do and see. Hopefully with the next GTA the amount of online players per lobby will increase, giving it a sense of more population.
Bigger is always better in my opinion, but there's also a thing called TOO BIG of a city. For example, transitioning from San Andreas to GTA 4, I found that GTA 4 is too big to appreciate the areas of the game, as most of them are just there for backdrop, and have no relation whatsoever with the story. You also have to take cabs to missions because they are too far between, and driving around a relatively large city that also feels TOO empty gets boring quickly. I think the idea of hitching a ride at a cab is great, but it also ruins the beauty of the city that they have worked so hard to build.


New Member
I think that a bigger map wouldn't be great, this would require a lot of work from R* to utilise whole world. Even GTA V's Los Santos was a little too big to me. It seemed empty at times. What I'd like to see is remake of San Fierro, but that's probably not possible.

Shana Peckover

New Member
A bigger map would be awesome, as long as game content remains good. As long as it appeals to me I will be happy. However, if they were to add a larger map, I don't know anyone who would complain about a more extensive world to explore in GTA.
I want a much larger map because after a while even the current Grand Theft Auto V map is too small. I literally know every single part of the Grand Theft Auto V map and can drive around it without any help or directions from the mini-map. The thing is, even if Rockstar makes a much larger map, you just know that they will make sure to keep the content good and to make sure every single detail is done perfectly. I would like it if they did multiple islands like Just Cause 3 or GTA 4 to be honest. It gets boring staying on the same island.


New Member
In general I think I like the tighter maps, but then again I get those times when I want to just roam around, and so then the big maps are nice. A healthy mix would be ideal I guess.


Of course I would prefer a large map, the more areas to explore the better as compared to a small one, right?


New Member
I think a larger map would be good. It would be useful in helping the player guide their way through the city as well as helping them locate where the are.


I think complexity matters a lot. I would go for the complexity over anything. I have seen that complexity in any game makes it more popular. Having simple and tight map won't cut it often. So better be we have complex maps.


New Member
Now I just want to see a large map, with all sorts of intricate, tighter maps intertwined that you can go through. Maybe that is just asking too much though.