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Do you trust Rockstar for GTA VI?

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Absolutely. Rockstar has done an excellent job with most GTA titles, especially the big ones. GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, GTA 4, even GTA 5. They have won unanimous acclaim from video game reviewers, so I don't think I would need to worry about a sequel, since they haven't let me down so far, and their games have been some of my favorite ones to play through the years. These games have great replay value, great action, great graphics, and you can really have fun with just roaming around in the game world and creating chaos. What's not to love about these games?


Yes, I complete trust rockstar on the making of the new GTA game. They have always done a extremely good job, and every game you can easily see that the team is getting better and better. I'm sure the new game won't dissapoint, once again.


Is this really a question? They nailed it with GTA V (they also fixed GTA IV flaws) and it can only get better from now.


Well-Known Member
Is this really a question? They nailed it with GTA V (they also fixed GTA IV flaws) and it can only get better from now.
I agree. I think with GTA if they had a bit of trouble adjusting to the new consoles but even then it was still a good game and with this new one they really showed what they are capable of so I'm not that worried about the sequel.


New Member
That's what I love about Rockstar though. They do their work before they release something.

The only time I've noticed them to not do that was with the infamous swing glitch of IV which turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Came here to say this!! People will complain about how long it takes to release the game. In all likelihood it won't be out until late next year. But we have the guarantee that it will be of a ridiculously high caliber. For one, look at the improvement from IV to V. We can expect the same kind of jump to VI. And secondly, look how much detail and care they put into these games!! Rockstar isn't just churning it out for the money, because if they were we'd have something much like Assassin's Creed. Instead we are getting free releases for GTA Online and exchange for a bit of a longer wait for GTA VI. I don't know about you guys but I'm okay with it! GTA V was a marvel and it expanded the fan-base by tenfold because people realized it wasn't just a game about crime. It can be, but it can be totally innocent too. Like running around as Trevor in his underwear shooting pedestrians... wait....

Can't wait for GTA VI (but I will wait anyway)


New Member
Well, I know this is a pretty weird question since the franchise has been getting a lot of praise but do you think Rockstar are getting too ahead of themselves? Maybe with all the good reputation they got they'll flop on the next release, although that's pretty extreme to think about.

I have to say yes on this one, unless they stop trying to be everything to the public in one game, I don't think they will succeed with the next copy.

Now I'm not saying that they won't get sales, I just don't think it will have a mental impact on people like San Andreas did.


Active Member
Is this really a question? They nailed it with GTA V (they also fixed GTA IV flaws) and it can only get better from now.
Well.. that's not really the case with every franchise, is it? Ubisoft nailed it with Assassin's Creed as well but look where they got at, the games are repetitive and people are starting to get bored because they're just milking the past success of the series. It's not impossible for them to mess up the release.


Rockstar is extremely consistent with their franchises, especially Grand Theft Auto. They put loads of effort and love into each game and it shows. I don't think Rockstar would want to throw all that goodwill away, so I fully trust them.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I complete trust rockstar on the making of the new GTA game. They have always done a extremely good job, and every game you can easily see that the team is getting better and better. I'm sure the new game won't dissapoint, once again.
Me too. Every time they make a new version I'm always surprised at how much new content is great and ones that I'm not expecting or didn't imagine too. I'm sure they will continue to surprise us all.


They have a great track record so there is absolutely no reason not to trust them..Rockstar can safely continue to develop the game and they will deliver.


I have zero reason to doubt Rockstar but I did read one of their lead developers quit, so I don't know what the value of the next game will be like; however, this company has done nothing but churn out excellence since it's inception. GTA V is an utter masterpiece in my opinion, I think GTA 6 is going to blow it out of the water. I can't wait.