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Do you think there will be GTA VI?

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New Member
In my opinion, I think GTA V is good enough but... you know them... they want more money from us.

Would you guys buy it? If it were somehow better than GTA V then yes. If not , forget it.
There is no reason not to make more and more GTA's. So long as they can keep at the good/silly story arcs, substantial level content, quality narration, voice acting, effects and such and such, then it's all good. Look at the Final Fantasy franchise. They're at #15 and they have been doing it for about 27 years.


New Member
Why wouldn't they make one, especially with the success that V had and is having. It's not gonna be next year or the year after but I'm sure they're gonna release a new one.


There will definetly be GTA VI in the future in my opinion. The sales of GTA V were thourgh the roof and people are going crazy about the GTA games with it's large world where you can do basically everything you want. There are a lot of people out there that will buy every single GTA release that will come out, because it is so fun to play and with this graphics they put out on the latest GTA, they made even more followers as they had before. I don't think that a lot of people can get tired of the GTA franchise any time soon. I know a lot of people that started to play GTA on its first relase and they play it still with GTA V and they enjoy it a lot.


I can;t believe that this is even a question. Yes, there is going to be the sequel for sure. It's one of the most successful games in the history after all.
Of course! They'll keep going on with the GTA series until they run out of ideas or when people stop buying them. I mean, if their success is really good, then why would they stop!


As surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, we'll get a new, updated GTA coming out in a few years time. It's just an inevitability at this point to be honest. The only thing that would stop it would be Rockstar going under, which isn't likely to happen any time soon, a industry wide crash like we saw in the early 80s, which is unlikely despite what some analysts claim, or Rockstar being bought out by another company, and even then they'd continue the making of GTA just as its such a gold mine of revenue.


They probably will make more GTA games, but honestly, if they stopped here at the fifth game, I wouldn't object. GTA5 is the best GTA ever in my opinion. I couldn't fathom what it would take for them to successfully top it.


New Member
I definitely think there will be. I mean it would be a horrible decision just in marketing if they didn't since they have built so much on this franchise already.


Of course, they will still make another GTA. GTA is a one of the success series in gaming history and they should not stop making GTA.


Of course, they will still make another GTA. GTA is a one of the success series in gaming history and they should not stop making GTA.

I agree, and the series is amazing and unique. Still, GTA5, in my opinion, is the best GTA ever. The question is, will the series get even better from here on, or was GTA5 the peak and any other game Rockstar makes won't be as good?
I think they'd make one. They're funding a lot of success with the GTA series. GTA V was pretty popular, so they'd probably make a GTA VI.


New Member
I've already heard rumors of GTA VI, that it will be set in Vice City. But yes, I think more GTA's will keep coming, as long as the last version had a successful sale, they have no reason not to keep making more.


With any business, if there is demand, then for sure they will give in to that demand. And since GTA V is a successful franchise, then it is very likely that they will create a GTA VI. I see no reason why they wouldn't. It makes the gamers happy, and they profit from it, so it's a win-win situation.


New Member
Of course there is going to be a GTA 6. There's no reason not to since the franchise is still a massive hit. Unless, GTA 5 was so bad it killed the series which it's not I don't see how there won't be another GTA.


New Member
It's just obvious that they will make VI. But I don't think we'll see it soon. GTAV is a really big game and since the current gen console releases are a bit delayed it's bound to let fly for a few more years.


New Member
Its the inevitable Rockstar Games would continue to make GTA games. They would make newer GTA's with more money from us.