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Do you prefer online mode or story mode in GTA V?

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New Member
I actually prefer the Singleplayer mode, knowing that its more lively, has more vehicles, more people wondering around. Also sidemissions, all the ways to spend money, I'm not saying that you cant do all of that on Online. But yet more people makes it fun.
And there could be an argument to my statement which could be that on online you can invite your friends and do all of the stuff what I just said above. Also you could do races against your friends, competing against them, doing DeathMatches and all of that stuff which would be great fun, and it is
But still i have to prefer the singleplayer mode..


New Member
I play story mode almost exclusively. I go online a lot, but just when I'm messing around with the creator more or less. I love building crazy challenges for friends, but I don't really play the normal modes with randoms much at all.


New Member
GTA V is more enjoyable online since you have more game mode choices to choose from. Also the socializing factor is a plus for me. I also play 90% of my GTA V time online, because of the aforementioned reasons.


Online playing is a big part of GTA. The story is the most important thing to me as it sells the game for me. Online play is just a added bonus.


New Member
I'm more of a story mode person myself. I like completing missions and getting farther along in the game. I also like to race with my husband to see who can get through games faster and well GTA V is no different. I would like to get more involved in online multiplayer though. I've read and heard it's pretty awesome. Maybe it's time to check it out but I really dislike how some people can be online. It's very frustrating and is a huge reason why I don't like to play online much.


Active Member
I don't play singleplayer anymore after I nearly did the whole story and bought most of the things.
Online is much more fun, really.


New Member
Eh. Online I guess. If my friends are around online for GTA will always be better but I kind of like just dicking around in the singleplayer game personally.


New Member
Like I mentioned in a similar post, I think it depends on what you want to do. If you want a story-driven experience, go for singleplayer. If you want to play with friends or have a more trivial time, play Online.


New Member
I spent about a week trying to complete every single survival in GTA Online
  • Using only pistols (except the AP Pistol)
  • without using grenades or other explosives
  • without opening my inventory to heal with snacks or armor
  • by playing solo
Which did I think was the hardest survival?
Legion Square Survival - This one was so frustrating. I had to play this one so many times to find a good spot and I had to try so many different strategies that popped into my head. I died twice on wave 10 and I thought it was impossible to complete it using pistols only and almost gave up.

Which was the easiest survival?
Sandy Survival - The spot I used made it really easy because I was well protected from the helicopters and the enemies and I could only be attacked from one direction so I didn't have to worry about getting flanked.

Which survival did I enjoy the most?
I enjoyed the Sawmill Survival. I really liked the spot I used. I'm not sure why but there was something I really liked about being on the Sawmill roof.

Why did I not use the AP Pistol?
I thought it wasn't so challenging at all if I used it. Full auto weapons in Grand Theft Auto are really silly to be honest.

Any achievements in GTA: O you want to share? Post below I wanna know!

I see some replies of people thinking I'm using some kind of aim assist. I'm not. I used a mouse and keyboard so free aim. To be honest I prefer M/K over a controller with aim assist. It's easier to get headshots and shoot down chopper pilots with the M/K. And someone said I use godmode... Really? C'mon don't embarrass yourself.


The only bad thing about online is I travel frequently for work and I never have the internet connection to handle GTA Online. The problem I have with story mode is that the replay value shrinks over time because they don't offer anything else besides the game you buy. No DLC's that I have heard of at least to my knowledge. Perhaps I'll start experimenting with mods as you can't get banned for them as opposed to when you do online play.


New Member
I'm more into Story Mode, because the online mode didn't really get to me. I only created my character, but that was it, never actually played it. I think I'll try playing it some time, because a lot of my friends tell me that it's amazing and I waste the money by not playing it online.


New Member
Online mode all the way. I think going story mode at this time in the game and year we live in, is like neglecting the best features available. I've always liked the story mode but it simply gets old.


I have only played GTA in story mode, I haven't really tried playing it in online mode, but I'm quite content already with playing the game offline. I might try playing it online one day,
It depends how I am feeling to be honest. I only play GTA Online when there is something new out like a car or a new type of gamemode that I want to try out. When I get bored with other games I usually just go and play single player and just drive around for a bit and have fun. Single player is a great way to release some stress or just chill because online can be quite stressful sometimes especially when delivering cargo as a CEO etc.
I'm not really into online playing-i'm an old school gamer. All this login, sign in or register stuff is just not my thing. I like to play in story mode and that's it. As soon as I finish the game, I lend it to some friend or stick it in a drawer somewhere.
Hmm. I see. But I don't think you would enjoy a lot. It's a bit faster, I think.


Active Member
Although I love both modes of GTA, my preference is the online version. The social aspect of GTA online is what continues to make GTA V successful after 6 years. Yes - I am aware of the hackers/modders, the little kids, and the tryhards and they do get pretty annoying at times. However, the unpredictability of the encounters in random lobbies is still very appealing.


I think online mode is good for quick play but for entertainment value i guess story mode. and the campaign modes are better.


Active Member
I loved the single-player mode in GTA growing up but when I was introduced to GTA online, I was hooked. Being able to cause chaos with friends and random strangers alike was very appealing. However, in recent years, the online mode has turned me off and I returned to my "roots" - the single-player campaign. I will sometimes play on the GTA roleplaying servers but single-player is my favorite.