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Do you like the aircrafts in GTA V?

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I'm a fan of some of the aircraft. I've never been really good with helicopters so I usually avoid them. I am pretty good with the planes. I just wish there were more armed jets. I think this is probably the best flying mechanics in any GTA game so far so I appreciate that Rockstar took that effort.


Oh, I almost forgot. There's something that we all neglect to talk about. We keep mentioning the driving in GTA5 versus GTA4. What about the helicopter handling? I find it much better in GTA5 as well.


I'm a fan of some of the aircraft. I've never been really good with helicopters so I usually avoid them. I am pretty good with the planes. I just wish there were more armed jets. I think this is probably the best flying mechanics in any GTA game so far so I appreciate that Rockstar took that effort.
I still say that the helicopter handling is much better than it was in GTA4. Really, all of the vehicles' handling have been improved. Well, the boats were already decent, but how often did you actually use a boat in GTA4?


I think the airplanes are awesome. Love how they implemented them in the game. I still remember flying one for the first time and having to get used to the controls, I actually managed to make it crash within the first minute the first time I played. The enjoyment does go down after a while though, I don't think there's enough reason to use an aircraft in the game. Still, every once in a while I'll be picking up an airplane and just fly around for fun


I think the airplanes are awesome. Love how they implemented them in the game. I still remember flying one for the first time and having to get used to the controls, I actually managed to make it crash within the first minute the first time I played. The enjoyment does go down after a while though, I don't think there's enough reason to use an aircraft in the game. Still, every once in a while I'll be picking up an airplane and just fly around for fun
It's an open world game, though. You don't have to have a real reason for using the aircrafts. Why not make you own fun. Terrorize the citizens. Mess with the police and army and see how long you'll survive. Be creative.
It's an open world game, though. You don't have to have a real reason for using the aircrafts. Why not make you own fun. Terrorize the citizens. Mess with the police and army and see how long you'll survive. Be creative.
This is true. Even though I still don't like the controls, it's still nice to be able to fly around and blow things up.


Mostly I enjoy jets, but sometimes I fly with the big planes, too. I like to fly very close between building and under the bridges, or just trying to bomb one particular citizen or car.


The aircraft are amazing. I have probably spent half my time in GTA just flying the planes back and forth across the map.

My favorite would have to be the fighter jet I managed to steal with great difficulty from the military base.


Each GTA game expands beyond the last installment. The aircraft's in GTA are impressive in all regards. It is always fun to take your plan and run down friends while they are trying to collect a bounty. The cars as usually always look great and the mechanics are one of the best.
Flying in gta 5 is amazing once you have mastered it. All of the gorgeous view and such. You can really weave through obstacles and have a blast doing it. It is such a variety in the choice of planes big or small. When you land successfully it is so rewarding and gives you a feeling of accomplishment.


New Member
Flying around is great! I just wish there was more to do up there... like dogfighting or shooting up into space. I don't know. Stuff you people do in the sky!


The aircrafts add an intresting perspective to the game. It would be nice however to have some thing more to do tahn just flying around. Such as setting up a drug bust operation or raiding a coke farm.


Yes they are awesome! I love having dog fights with friends in multiplayer lol.

This is one of the sweetest parts of the multiplayer that I like to enjoy with my buddies and one of the reason that I still enjoy playing the game online.


Active Member
The use of aircraft and their crazy physics help to make the game much more fun! A definite thumbs up from me :D


I haven't played GTA V yet, because I'm waiting for it to release on PC. But I saw a few videos and it looks good. What I hated about GTA IV is the fact that there are no airplanes in it, only helicopters. I loved flying the jets and planes in GTA San Andreas, it was just fun maneuvering them, and flying in general.
They're nice, but they still feel half-assed, just like in every GTA game. I find them way better to control than in previous games, ESPECIALLY than the goddamned helicopter in GTA IV. That was hell for me. I can't wait to pilot some stuff in first person in the PC version of the game.