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Do you go out on weekends?

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Anyone here like going out on weekends? Maybe to go to a bar with friends, maybe a hit movie, whatever really. I usually stay in most weekends, but on certain occasions I'm out and about, maybe hanging with friends at a bar or going to a party. Let me tell you, my life is fairly boring. lol

Anyways, what do you do on weekends?
Not a lot! I'm out during the day on weekends, but I don't go out at night anymore. Went out last Friday but that was a special occasion, haha.


I wish. I don't socialize or have too many friends outside of my boyfriend and his homeboys. Besides, my car needs work.
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I'll go and hang out with friends and family every chance I can. Work takes up much of my time and my weekend is often full of work, but thankfully I don't always work every weekend so I spend most of my weekends at my parents house or hanging out with other family members.

Some weekends I just relax though.


I prefer to go out during the week. I don't fancy crowds, so this makes it much easier for me. Besides I work on the weekends anyway.


New Member
I love going out on the weekends! I will usually either go out with my hubby to a popular movie that is in theaters or with my gal-pals. The weekend is the best time to let loose!


I don't go out on the weekends anymore due to now having a family and kids. My boyfriend and I need to get out more without the little ones. Time just seems to get away from us and before you know it, it's Monday again. We are going to try to squeeze it in because we desperately need it.


Well-Known Member
Yes I do but only because my friends are mostly only free on weekends. I prefer to go out on weekdays a lot more. There are less people and the environment is just much calmer.


I try to do little things on the weekends. Like go out to eat and a movie and such things. However sometimes I just like to stay inside, with a cup of team, and just chill out.


I do go out on weekends with my fiends and family. I prefer some quite place rather than bars or clubs.


I never have the money so I can never go out. If I did have money I would go to movies, go see live music and maybe even a karaoke bar.


Anyone here like going out on weekends? Maybe to go to a bar with friends, maybe a hit movie, whatever really. I usually stay in most weekends, but on certain occasions I'm out and about, maybe hanging with friends at a bar or going to a party. Let me tell you, my life is fairly boring. lol

Anyways, what do you do on weekends?
I go out mainly to promote my music. I go to the local open mic spots. Having a wife and 3 kids will slow down your going out, at least going out alone. We mainly do family outings.
My family go to mass every Sunday and after that we dine out in our favorite resto to have some good bonding time. As a family you don't really think much about the expenses as the precious moments you share with one another, during the weekends.


Me and my family usually go eat out every sunday. It's kind of bonding we always doing. Sometimes, I go out with my friends on saturdays. Just shopping amd archading.


New Member
Nope, especially when I'm short on cash I don't really go out. I rather spend my weekends at home since I'm a home buddy. I do my indoors activities like watching movies, cooking, making arts and crafts and most especially I play games. But still sometimes, I need to go out and hang out with my friends and family. It's a type of relaxation that everyone needs.


I try to save money and avoid going out much. I have found out that weekends are a bit harder with the money spending. So I try to save as much as I can. And some of the time it works out and some of the time it does not work out.


Not so much. During the week I am surely too busy with my jobs here and there, so the weekend is the only free time left for me to relax at home doing a little bit of washing and ironing clothes.