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Do you feel DriveClub does DLC right?

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The idea of dlc has been a hot topic from the moment the idea was conceived. Many of us feel that we're purposely given incomplete games so that companies can get extra out of us with it. Even though that's true, some companies take the time to make genuine dlc that wasn't cut out of the original game.

With DriveClubs mix of both free and paid dlc put out monthly, do you feel Evolution is doing dlc right? Or, milking us like most of the other companies?


Active Member
In the beginning, DLC was more about adding on fresh content to the game rather than finishing an incomplete (by design) game. I'd say that Drive Club does DLC decently, but it's all about the money in the end.


Active Member
Every company is in it for the money, so even the free DLCs have a secret advantage for the company that is probably a more active userbase/news about the game in the sites.


Well-Known Member
I think they are doing an okay job at it. There are certainly more companies out there that are more blatant with their money grubbing, and with this one at least you could tell they are putting in some effort to give more value to customers rather than just flat out conning them out of their spare change.
I also think that they are doing a damn fine job with DLC. I mean, let's be serious, it can be seen that they put a lot of work into both the game and the DLC, and it's not like the DLC contains something that HAD to be in the initial launch, and if it passes that criteria, it's fine by me.