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New Member
When I played VC, Lance was just the typical smooth colloquial guy who played it cool. But in this game, he acts as if he has a brain the size of a pebble and is incredibly impulsive. He gets him and his older brother Vic into all sorts of predicaments. (ex: missions The Audition, From Zero To Hero, Blitzkrieg, Taking the Fall, White Lies, and especially Light My Pyre) I mean I know the timeline is two years away from the original VC, but why is he such an idiot in this game in comparison to his appearance in the original?


Well, I think it's because, by the time the game is over, he and his brother learn alot about the underworld and before they were pretty much novices..

Thomas Hall

New Member
In Vice city stories Lance is more about himself and wants to be big and mighty but seems to think with Vic around he is protected like when his car get's destroyed and he just started shooting at the thugs and was saved only by Vic. I reckon that Lance was better in Vice city up to the part he tries to take out Diaz on his own which does not work out well in the Vice city stories he is more about himself when his brothers girlfriend dies he is like we got family and need to be there so shows he would of died many times if not for Vic. In the end of the game as well he is trying to use the drugs for himself and the family he refers to is him not their younger brother.


New Member
Well maybe he isn't so stupid in VC because he could learn from the mistakes he made in the past.
To me he seemed a bit overeager in general in VCS and that kind of changed I think when seeing how he acts in VC.


I think it's because Vice City Stories is a prequel to Vice City, so back then Lance has less criminal experience, and in Vice City he has already learned from his previous mistakes.


I think it's because Vice City Stories is a prequel to Vice City, so back then Lance has less criminal experience, and in Vice City he has already learned from his previous mistakes.
Your concept is on point as his actions are much more calmer and collective.


New Member
I never really noticed this, at least not in any way that made me really think about it. That is interesting though, and maybe it will shape the way I play a little bit.


I never really noticed this, at least not in any way that made me really think about it. That is interesting though, and maybe it will shape the way I play a little bit.
I didn't notice it at all throughout the time i was playing, quite interesting really.


New Member
That's because this game shows their transformation from novices to experts. They (well, Lance) learn from their mistakes and become the much much smarter versions we see in the original game.