Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Did anyone think this had a depressing city?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Thomas Hall

New Member
I noticed that it was either going to rain or the atmosphere was dark in the city at time and some missions were not exciting like Vincenzo betrays you too soon or you get revenge real early unlike the previous games where it was near the end of the game when you got revenge. I noticed at times cutscenes did not play properly at times or like when Toni becomes a made man it did now show what goes on and some missions did not make sense or seemed ridiculous at times. The city had a 90s feel to it and crime was everywhere and seemed like a prequel to Grand theft auto 3 which had a better city and characters in this game did not seem exciting apart from Sal who was voiced by Frank Vincent.


New Member
Well, it's important to remember this was made as a PSP game first. Back then, PSP hardware wasn't very powerful so they had to make sacrifices. The PS2 version of the game was basically just a direct port to the PS2 with some graphical cleanup and nothing more.


New Member
Yes I found it to be dark like in GTA III and gameplay didn't provide many new features. I actually never finished playing GTa liberty city stories through.


Active Member
I do think that rockstar maybe made a mistake here, and they bowed down to public pressure and released the game on the full console when to be frank, it wasn't good enough.

Releasing a game on a PlayStation 2, that was made for a handheld device, was never going to be the best idea was it?


New Member
Well, it's important to remember this was made as a PSP game first. Back then, PSP hardware wasn't very powerful so they had to make sacrifices. The PS2 version of the game was basically just a direct port to the PS2 with some graphical cleanup and nothing more.
I don't think that's it to be honest. Liberty City in general (in any game) always seems like a depressing city. Comparing GTA III and LCS version to Vice City and San Andreas shows this immensely. Not to mention GTA IV's version of Liberty City compared to Los Santos of GTA V.


New Member
I don't think that's it to be honest. Liberty City in general (in any game) always seems like a depressing city. Comparing GTA III and LCS version to Vice City and San Andreas shows this immensely. Not to mention GTA IV's version of Liberty City compared to Los Santos of GTA V.
Definitely agree. I normally don't look at minor details, yet that one was so clear and obvious that it attracted a bit of my attention.
Is there a reasoning behind the dark atmosphere though in Liberty City?


New Member
Definitely agree. I normally don't look at minor details, yet that one was so clear and obvious that it attracted a bit of my attention.
Is there a reasoning behind the dark atmosphere though in Liberty City?
I'm not from the US, but general atmosphere carried through the movies and TV shows is that New York is generally darker and maybe more depressing compared to Los Angeles. That's just my opinion though as I can't really know.


Active Member
People obviously love the GTA series, but they also have to be different from one game to another. From the sunny streets of San Andreas to the gloomy streets of Liberty City, they have to try and make sure that all the areas of the US are covered.

Liberty City might have been gloomy, but in reality, a lot of cities are so it makes sense to portray that in the actual game itself.


Active Member
I loved the more depressing city, I don't think it's something bad. Actually, it made the game stand out instead of being something sunny and not that grim like Vice City. I loved the map and for a PSP game Liberty City was really good.


Active Member
I agree to a certain extent and although it was a grey and depressing city, it did have a gritty reality that you didn't get in the other games in the series.

We had the sun and colour of Vice City, to the beaches of the west coast with San Andreas. Liberty City was a welcome break from the other games in the series I think.


New Member
I am not sure if I would say that it was anything out of the ordinary, but I can definitely see what you are saying here. Especially if you get in that mode when all you see is the dirtbags and ladies of the night on the streets, but then again that is most of the game.


Active Member
I am not sure if I would say that it was anything out of the ordinary, but I can definitely see what you are saying here. Especially if you get in that mode when all you see is the dirtbags and ladies of the night on the streets, but then again that is most of the game.

I think this is what I was saying, and even though we may not like it, most cities ARE dim and gloomy places and so Rockstar reflected that with Liberty City. Drive around most large cities late at night (and sometimes even during the day!) and there won't be many nice things to look at and interact with. From a distance and when you're looking at a large city from a skyline perspective it does look impressive and so did Liberty City, but when you actually get down on to the streets it's an entirely different thing, and Liberty City was the same.

Nice to look at, not very nice to live in!


New Member
I loved the more depressing city, I don't think it's something bad. Actually, it made the game stand out instead of being something sunny and not that grim like Vice City. I loved the map and for a PSP game Liberty City was really good.
I agree the game was different from what were used to and it was definitely a refreshing take on the GTA series. As opposed to the OP, i enjoyed the map quite a lot and i think it has a unique and special feel to that made it stand out from the rest.


Active Member
Like you, I think that a lot of people enjoyed the gritty reality of Liberty city, but compared to Vice city and San Andreas, there's no getting away from the fact that it WAS a lot more dark and depressing.

I think that's what Rockstar wanted though, as that kind of city fitted in well with the story of the game. It can't be sunny all the time and I think that Liberty city was a great contrast to the games that Rockstar had previously made in the GTA series.
It is really dark in the game. It becomes even darker when the weather is extreme. The storyline is different than the gameplay. I have not played it that much.

I think the other version are better than this one.


This game reminds me of GTA 3 as well, quite bleak and melancholy if you ask me regarding the ambiance of the city. I would like to finish this game again once I get hold of the installer since my PC got formatted.
This game reminds me of GTA 3 as well, quite bleak and melancholy if you ask me regarding the ambiance of the city. I would like to finish this game again once I get hold of the installer since my PC got formatted.
Yes, i agree with you as it does look alike the GTA 3. The location and the places are similar to that one but it is not that bad to be deleted from your system. It is good to play, I like the features in it. You have options to modify the characters and the places.


Yes, i agree with you as it does look alike the GTA 3. The location and the places are similar to that one but it is not that bad to be deleted from your system. It is good to play, I like the features in it. You have options to modify the characters and the places.

Well I didn't delete this game, my PC was formatted so I wasn't able to play it anymore. I guess I now have to look for the installer of this game online.


New Member
I am not sure that depressing would be the right word, but that is hopefully just because I am hoping people can compartmentalize the game a little bit. I guess it depends on a lot of things though.


New Member
Yes and no while I found certain aspects of the game terrible there was also a lot to cover. First it is a older game meant for a console that was did not have a lot on it to play in terms of storage and graphics. Then there was not as much as GTA IV or what GTA V is now. Another thing to know is that the city had a very depressing feel to it. Also though there was a lot to the game that put it on a positive note. So I guess it really decides on whether you think it really is good or not.