Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Dоеs this gаmе run thаt bаd?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I plаyеd it оn thе xbоx 360 sоmе yеаrs аgо аnd nоw thаt I hаvе а dесеnt PС I wаnt tо plаy it аgаin. I hеаrd thе gаmе runs rеаlly bаd еvеn in gооd соmputеrs, is thеrе аny wаy tо fix it?
I had problems while playing it on Xbox but it runs fine on the PC. These type of games are good to play on a computer. The ram and graphic card should be with nice specs.


I did read about various issues that GTA 4 has been having on PC's. If you experience lagging or stuttering then just download the patch available for the gane. That should fix the problem.
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New Member
I have heard of issues with all of them, but it does seem that IV gets the most attention. I am sure it depends on a lot and I never had anything personal, but you never know I guess.


New Member
I've heard issues with the game but the main thing is what you are playing on like pc or console. If you play on a pc that is very good with a good graphics card and other good specs you are not likely to have issues then playing on an old console. Likewise if you are playing on an old console you are going to have issues than with a goof pc or new console.


New Member
I've never once had those kind of issues, but I think that the solution of using a patch for the GTA IV game should work just fine for you if you experience any issues.


New Member
I quite agree with Sidney. The patch is very important and every gamer should get the patch to "his" game.
Also, I think you should mind your PC's Specs too. Get a PC with good Specs. More importantly, as earlier said I think the Specs is extremely important.
Sorry, for not using "her", because more often than not, gamer are guys... :D


Active Member
Yeah, the game is pretty badly optimized for PC users, I managed to pull through when the game was relevant but I don't think I could bare doing it again.


New Member
I think people are noticing that now, because there are now more games with better optimizations for PC. Back then, when it had just come, people saw it as one of the best. People are getting used to better stuff, that's why.
Not sure about PC, but it did have quite a few problems on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But that was mainly because of how big the game was and how outdated the actual console software/hardware was back then. I'm not whether the game is even supported anymore by Rockstar to be honest but if they are then I'm sure they have released some patches to fix/improve any performance issues on PC.
I am having the dame problem as i also use my laptop for playing games. Game is really bog and system is unable to support the game. I think it need to upgrade the hardware and software.


I never had a problem with playing a game on PC. I am having a smooth gaming experience and never had speed problem. If you want to keep on playing games in a good way then you must upgrade your software and hardware.


New Member
The problem is not that, generally, people's computers aren't powerful enough, but that GTA IV poorly optimized for PC performance. GTA IV (like V) was ported to Windows after being released on consoles. I tried running it on my laptop, and while it did run, the performance was horrible. I could play newer games much more smoothly, but not GTA IV, nope.

My spесs аrе: -Prосеssоr: АMD FX 8320 -GPU: MSI R9 380 -RАM: 8GB
There specs are good enough, I guess. Wouldn't expect 60 fps on ultra, though, but yeah it'll get the job done smooth enough.


It ran pretty badly back in the day, these days if you have anything remotely decent the game will run just fine on the highest settings. I think the reason it ran so badly in the first place was that it has a VERY good physics engine, (which I think they even toned down in the sequel ) and so was very demanding on the CPU.


New Member
It does, the optimization is really bad and you can get low fps on a good rig. The game is really good on consoles though.


It does, the optimization is really bad and you can get low fps on a good rig. The game is really good on consoles though.
Nope. It's even worse really, especially on the PS3. Framerate is still low on the consoles, resolution is low ( definitely below 720p on PS3 ) and the visuals are terrible, with low render distance and an awful "vaseline" AA filter.


New Member
Nope. It's even worse really, especially on the PS3. Framerate is still low on the consoles, resolution is low ( definitely below 720p on PS3 ) and the visuals are terrible, with low render distance and an awful "vaseline" AA filter.
Really? I thought that the port was the only bad thing about the game. How about the new generation consoles like PS4 and Xbone? Does it run bad even there or is it smooth? I didn't know they let unoptimized games on consoles.


GTA 4 was never ported to the newer consoles ( AFAIK ? ) so assuming it can even be ran on them ( by emulation ), it looks and runs the same or worse since it can't take advantage of the additional power.