Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Every... damn... time!


Yeh happens to me aswell but hey its more as that would be what happens would be even better if you clicked like square and it put on your seatbelt.


Yeah crashing is one fun thing to do but surely annoying when you're not intending to crash though.


It happens to the best of us. I have crashed so many times just not paying attention. I guess that's what makes the game fun.


No matter how hard you try to not to crash, it happens every damn time lol. I guess, that's what makes a game more fun. We thing that we are an amazing driver and can handle reckless driving without bumping o some other car, but it always happens. Have you played GTA Online yet? You will see so many crashes and bumps. It's crazy! I am loving every moment of this game.


That's why I use Franklin! I just activate his special ability and I can do some bullshit to avoid crashing without ever slowing down. Feels frickin' great!

Though I kinda like crashing. The damage system is fantastic. This one time I was speeding in a sports car and crashed right into a van. The guy in the van died, one of the van's wheels went flying, I went out the windshield and my sports car's engine got wrecked. It's amazingly gruesome.


I had the same problem, and this is because I'm not used with the PS3 controller in race games. In San Andreas and GTA IV I was a good driver on the PC but in GTA V I fastly transformed into the public enemy number 1.


New Member
I've gotten quite good at driving, however it's hard not to crash when tearing down any road really. I do think the cars handle a bit better on GTA V than in GTA IV, so the afore mentioned improvement here is a good one.


Active Member
This has never happened to me yet but what does happen on a regular basis is the front wheels getting locked up after a series of head on collisions. It gets to the point where the car is drivable but the way the front wheel is locked it gradually slows the car down to a crawl and then to a standstill. It can be quite annoying sometimes.


The crashing was hilarious when I first saw it. Then it became annoying and I was wondering why I couldn't put just put on my seat belt. There were times I wasn't even going that fast and I went flying out the window.
The crashing can get extreme especially if you are trying to get away from the cops or trying make it to a mission on time. It's even worse when the car flips over and you are trying to get out before it catches fire and explodes.


Actually, I have only came out the front of my windscreen twice since I started playing! One time was off a cliff and that was pretty fun.
The more I play all the GTA games the more I notice so many different things about them like the one where you crash and get ejected from the vehicle, I really don't like that especially if you are doing a mission.


While the driving is improved from GTA IV, I agree. I crash all of the time and it gets quite annoying but it's still fun.


I hate crashing in GTA V! I know the driving has improved since the last game, but crashing is always inevitable. I crash on every turn and lose all my speed and momentum. I like the game, but crashing gets on my nerves. I guess I just need to improve my driving.