Console as gifts


Is it a good practice to give your friend or relative a console as a gift either during birthday, wedding or success in exams?
I think some consoles are affordable. But I think giving say tab or like phone is much more affordable. And gaming can be done with it as well.
Console as a gift is good specially when you think of the bonding it brings to family and friends. Its basically whats make consoles still in demand because gaming and interaction is best with consoles.
If I do that my friend will be the happiest. I think it's okay to give console as birthday gift but I don't so as wedding gift. Well, it depends maybe to the person your giving to.
Looks like a good idea to gift ipad or some tablet these days. as long as you can anticipate the prices it won't be an issue in that case.
In general, giving a console as a gift can be a great idea if the recipient is interested in video games and if you are able to afford it. However, it is important to carefully consider the recipient's interests, age, and maturity level before making a decision.