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Gran Turismo 6 Career Mode vs Arcade Mode

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Ghost Rider

Which do you prefer? Career mode or Arcade mode? Personally, I prefer career mode because I see a sense of progression. It does get a bit boring at times due to the unresponsive A.I. that seems to follow a pre-determined track.

The arcade mode is still fun but it lacks stat tracking and other things that make Career mode a lot more immersing.


The main thing is that I'm not having that much fun - it seems like there are quite a few problems:

1) Number of cars available by default. In GT5 there were over 50 cars to choose from for free. In this game, the number of "courtesy cars" is 20. Whole eras and classes of car are missed out. It's not a good introduction to the game when there is so much variety in there. I really hope there is some sort of unlocking going to happen when I progress through this, but somehow I doubt it. GT4 still remains the best way to do this, with the three earlier games also shining examples.

2) The number of cars on track. I thought everybody agreed after GT4 that six cars just isn't enough? It seems like in GT6 all arcade races have 6-10 cars on track, which is a step backwards from GT5.

3) Rolling starts. I hate playing catchup - and being so far behind just doesn't make for very interesting races, when you know most cars on track aren't really taking part in the race, and it's just all about the delta time to the leader. Also, having a rolling start just isn't representative of the majority of real life motorsport.

4) Computer opponent car selection. So I choose an SLS GT3, and the computer is using a Peugeot LMP? And this is on "beginner" level?? How is that even remotely matched? When you start 10 seconds behind, and even a perfect lap will lose you another 10 seconds, why would I even bother to try to finish the race?

5) Track selection could be streamlined a bit. I'd suggest having reverse or night/weather versions of the track under a secondary option, so that the selection screen isn't cluttered up with 40 icons you have to scroll through. I'd suggest not even listing the dry versions of a track when the variable weather versions exist. And the racing direction could even be an option under the "Track options" menu where you pick the time of day. It's a shame, because otherwise the menus and loading in this game are all a big improvement.

6) Record keeping. The modes are separate, so I don't want my number of wins or distance driven to be added together. Mine should still say 0 races entered, and 0 hours of driving time, because that's what I've done in my A-spec career, and yet it says I have driven around 1000 km. I did quite a bit of statistical analysis in GT5, and this will be much more difficult in this game.

Other problems remain, like always setting race length in laps - especially with doing a 2 lap race on the Nordschleife or SSRX, and then 2 laps on an arena or karting course is just stupid. It's been suggested many years ago than another option would be to allow distance (in km) or duration (in mins), and this should be the default. Luckily the number of laps in a race is set right before the race starts, so at least we don't need to dig into the options screen...


New Member
I like both career and arcade mode. When I'm alone playing by myself I enjoy playing in career mode and advancing on the game, earning more money and cars. When I'm playing with others arcade mode is more fun to me.


New Member
Most of the time I would prefer career mode but I usually have the most fun in arcade mode or when playing with someone else and just messing around. It's a little repetitive but I love the ability to customize in these games.


I enjoy career mode for the same reason you mentioned. The sense of progression is what drives me to keep going. I wish there was more to progressing in the career but it gets the job done.
I like Career mode in most games to be honest. Arcade just seems lackluster when compared to the progression made during career. In career you're always working toward something and just that sense of accomplishment makes me get a lot of playtime out of the game. I don't feel that way when I play Arcade at all.


The main thing is that I'm not having that much fun - it seems like there are quite a few problems:

1) Number of cars available by default. In GT5 there were over 50 cars to choose from for free. In this game, the number of "courtesy cars" is 20. Whole eras and classes of car are missed out. It's not a good introduction to the game when there is so much variety in there. I really hope there is some sort of unlocking going to happen when I progress through this, but somehow I doubt it. GT4 still remains the best way to do this, with the three earlier games also shining examples.

2) The number of cars on track. I thought everybody agreed after GT4 that six cars just isn't enough? It seems like in GT6 all arcade races have 6-10 cars on track, which is a step backwards from GT5.

3) Rolling starts. I hate playing catchup - and being so far behind just doesn't make for very interesting races, when you know most cars on track aren't really taking part in the race, and it's just all about the delta time to the leader. Also, having a rolling start just isn't representative of the majority of real life motorsport.

4) Computer opponent car selection. So I choose an SLS GT3, and the computer is using a Peugeot LMP? And this is on "beginner" level?? How is that even remotely matched? When you start 10 seconds behind, and even a perfect lap will lose you another 10 seconds, why would I even bother to try to finish the race?

5) Track selection could be streamlined a bit. I'd suggest having reverse or night/weather versions of the track under a secondary option, so that the selection screen isn't cluttered up with 40 icons you have to scroll through. I'd suggest not even listing the dry versions of a track when the variable weather versions exist. And the racing direction could even be an option under the "Track options" menu where you pick the time of day. It's a shame, because otherwise the menus and loading in this game are all a big improvement.

6) Record keeping. The modes are separate, so I don't want my number of wins or distance driven to be added together. Mine should still say 0 races entered, and 0 hours of driving time, because that's what I've done in my A-spec career, and yet it says I have driven around 1000 km. I did quite a bit of statistical analysis in GT5, and this will be much more difficult in this game.

Other problems remain, like always setting race length in laps - especially with doing a 2 lap race on the Nordschleife or SSRX, and then 2 laps on an arena or karting course is just stupid. It's been suggested many years ago than another option would be to allow distance (in km) or duration (in mins), and this should be the default. Luckily the number of laps in a race is set right before the race starts, so at least we don't need to dig into the options screen...

Just switch to career mode then. I only use Arcade mode for multiplayer and occasionally to test out a car, until I've finished the Career mode anyway.
Hands down Career mode. We all want to try every car we can what better way t do this than earning them thru career mode.


I like having the options to play either or. I like career mode when I have a lot of time to game. I like being able to progress in this mode. If I just want to play to kill time then I def go into arcade mode. I want something quick and fun.
Like a lot of people here, I also prefer career mode. It's essentially the "story mode" of the series and it makes things more fun for me. For random racing I prefer to play multiplayer rather than race agains the AI.
Arcade mode for short rounds of fun, career mode if I want to play the game for a long time. The best part of career mode is that you actually see the improvement of your character, so it's a nice thing to see while playing. Arcade is more for fun with friends, as it's just a few minutes of play time each. I'd rather have career modes though, because if I play games, I would really love to go the long route and have improved cars at the end of it.


Always career mode. For me, arcade mode is just for mindless racing when I've completed the career mode.
Like most people here, I prefer the arcade mode. It is just so much fun to zoom around the streets going for a nice ride, and occasionally tipping off the cops!:p


Career mode for sure. Arcade is cool sometimes but on the career mode you feel evolution, and I also feel like I'm getting better every single time. It's better if you play for a long periods of time too.

Denis Hard

Depends on what one is after. If all you want is a little fun and don't want to be bothered with realistic physics then arcade mode is great. However if you seek something more . . . want to feel like you want to get a feel of "real" racing then career mode is the better option.

That said, I'd prefer arcade mode any time.
I think Arcade mode is the best hands down. I love playing with others because I get bored fast playing career mode. I'm more of a team player.


Well-Known Member
Career mode is better for me because it gives me a reason to keep coming back to it due to the progression. From time to time arcade mode can serve as a nice break but for the most part I think playing a campaign is much more engaging.


Career mode hands down simply because its fun unlocking cars and that's kind of one of the perks of this title. So many cars to collect and drive which I always look for in a racing game. Which is also rare these days when it comes to this market but I guess Arcade mode is just a good way to show off a collection when you slap on another controller to race two players!