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Car Racing MMO's = Awesome World of Speed Vs. The Crew

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Wonder why they choose to do this instead of finishing up on Project Cars first. They smaller than other studious and should focus on only one game at a time. But I guess that's why the name is Slightly Mad Studios.


This looks like it might really be happening, Its nice to see that everyone else is just as excited as me!


If need for speed manages to bring back the customization maybe it will stand a chance against The Crew, because right now that game is looking really good.


New Member
The crew will and shall be one of the deepest level of customization in a racing I could ever ask for, and for that reason the crew wins every time.


This game is looking amazing, I can't wait to play this when it comes out! By the way, you can sign up for beta, so if you are as excited as me, you might want to sign up for the beta! I hope to see you in-game in World of Speed!


Wow from the looks of this I would say that this looks like it would be really fun, but you know how it is sometimes they take you by showing you the best parts of the game when they are revealing it but then when you actually get the game it is not as great as they were making it out to be.


I've seen some articles about the game and I would definetly play it, because it looks really awesome. And when I read the posts other people are as excited as I am and I find this very good. It is very good for the game to have the support it needs even before its release.
I'm looking forward to it. I've spent a lot of time on the Burnout series and this game reminds me of it a bit. I love that you don't have to be racing all the time and you can just drive around at your own leisure.


New Member
I took a look at this game, and it definitely seems like it'd be interesting. Hopefully the hard drive space requirement isn't excessive, because I also want to play The Crew, so I can compare the two. The cars and environments in both games look absolutely beautiful.

Does anyone know what the business model for World of Speed will be? Free to play often becomes pay to win, and I don't want any part of that, especially not after driving my R35 in Need for Speed World only to get matched up and facerolled by people with Pagani Zondas they bought with real cash.


This game looks really cool and promising. I would love to actually play it to see how it turns out. I hope that the price is decent, because I will not pay a lot for the game to be honest. I do not want to spend too much and then the game is not that great. The cars in both games look awesome and I am just blown away by how the graphics look as well, so I will give it a shot to see how it turns out. I will defiantly read up on it more.

ray king

That is a Pagani Huayra, and it looks awesome. The detail with which the car is designed is amazing. I like the lighting effects in the pic. The game itself has some great lighting and weather effects. Checkout this gameplay trailer of the Huayra in the rain



New Member
Is this supposed to be the successor to the Underground series and what kind of car is that? I want to collect one in my games since there is no way I could every afford one in real life :D. Is that the Pagani that is supposed to be in game? If it is a can't wait to try it!
Really, what kind of car is that, I would also like to know what kind of car that is, racing games is the only way some of us can afford to drive this cars.


Well-Known Member
That looks so good, and I think I like the cars here more than in The Crew. I'll have to wait for this and make a proper comparison but so far it's looking really good.


New Member
I really can't wait for this game to come out, it seems pretty legit. Hoping it is as great as it looks, if not better!

Thomas Hall

New Member
I think this game will be similar to The crew and may even be popular than that game if the sales goes well and marketing. I hope the price is worth it, and also and the graphics are made lifelike and interesting storyline would be nice to see and feel like a real driver and have a good background story and up building. The final release of both games will determine how worthy they are, and the pros and cons of the game and what it does right and why a game that needs to be played. I will try both games out, maybe in demo or hire it out from a video shop and see in the first few minutes how the game plays out and how interesting it is.


New Member
Oh my God... This looks amazing. I had never seen something like this before. If the game turns out to be as it's being marketed, it's going to be the best racing game ever for sure. I don't want to get my hopes up, but it's kind of hard when there's so much awesomeness in the videos. Does anyone know of release date? At least release year so I don't get too impatient.