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Can you play a music instrument?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I tried to play the clarinet when I was in school but it didn't last long, can any of you play an instrument?


New Member
Sadly not, I've tried to play the guitar far too many times, I just don't have the dexterity sadly. :/
Yeah, I play guitar. I got a dobro recently. My dad got it from a guy at work for $50. Apparently it was around $400 when first bought.


New Member
I use to play the cello and I played it all through high school and I loved it. I even played in our city's youth symphony orchestra. I loved playing the cello and I would like to pick it back up. I am looking into buying my own cello and playing it again.


I used to play guitar a bit when I was a kid, and a long flute. Unfortunately it all got forgotten because of school and busy life. I wish I had never dropped playing guitar but it's never too late to start learning again.


New Member
I have been looking online for a cello to buy and I am surprised at the choices that are available. I can't afford one right now, but I am saving up for one. I hope to get one one day and start playing again.

Racer X

I learned to play the recorder when I was much younger.. but I can't read music and doubt that I could play it today(especially given that I wasn't too enthused or good to begin with).

I'd love to learn the piano or the sax. A little wary of the guitar because I'm not into strings(save maybe the violin) but def love the idea of woodwinds or percussion.


I always wanted to learn to play an instrument. I was interested in the drums, trumpet, keyboards, guitar, etc. As a kid, I was the type that always liked everything I saw so the fact of playing an instrument really fascinated me. Needless to say, I haven't learned yet but you never know what the future holds.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I can play the drums at an average level but I'm still far from being really good. I also hope to learn playing the piano sometime soon.


Do vocal chords count? I once used Youtube to teach myself how to play guitar, but I never stuck with it. Bummer.


I play the piano, though I've never had lessons - I am self-taught. At one point in my life, I wished to play the flute and the violin, but I never got the chance. Something always discouraged me until I completely lost interest. I wish I could play the organ, though. That type of music really appeals to me and it's so beautiful, but there are far too many pedals - I have tried once and I was completely lost.
I used to play the recorder haha! But now I don't play anything. I just don't have the time to even try anything out anymore because of all the work that I have to do. I haven't even thought about playing an instrument in so long.


I only played briefly in elementary school. I played the baritone and was like 70 lbs in 5th grade. I remember lugging that thing around and just getting enough air to blow into that damn thing.


I can play Guitar just fine. I m not an expert, but people seem to like what I play, so I think I m good enough.


I tried to play the clarinet when I was in school but it didn't last long, can any of you play an instrument?
I am learning how to play the piano. Discipline is the key. I make music but I want to become a professional piano player. My grandfather was a local celebrity and I would like to follow in his foot steps.


That's so beautiful. My grandma had tried to encourage me when I was little, and she would have loved if I'd gone to the music school, but the rest of the family weren't so supportive. As a result, I hadn't gone and I regret that - I believe I will regret it for the rest of my life. Having a supportive family or following in someone's footsteps is remarkable and praiseworthy. I wish you all the best!