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Can Wipeout still be relevant on the next gen consoles?

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Ghost Rider

No, Wipeout ain't that TV show that you're thinking about. It also is not the video game based on the TV show that your thinking about... In short, it ain't this:

So, what Wipeout am I talking about? I'm talking about the adrenaline pumping, hyper speed space combat racing game! Still don't know what I'm talking about? Sheesh. Okay, here's a screenshot:

Do you think that this racing game could still make it big on the next gen consoles?
Yes, I don't see why not. However Sony closed the Psygnosis studio last year or the year before, so unless they ask another of their studios to make it, we won't be seeing it on PS4.

Ghost Rider

Oh my, I haven't heard of this news before. Never really followed what happened with game studios. Well, if they closed Psygnosis, then I think Sony no longer has the intention of continuing the Wipeout series same as Nintendo having second thoughts with their F-Zero franchise. Bummer.
Yeah, always a shame to find out about stuff like that. You never know though, they may resurrect the series in the future!


There has to be some passion behind any idea to make the next gen transition successful and appeal to potential customers. If it turns out ti be a great game, why not? If the devs want to make it happen, I would love a game like Wipeout on my PS4.