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Forza Motorsport 5 Can we have Forza 6 yet? Please?

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Active Member
I'm excited for what the sequel is going to have in store for the players. There's supposed to be a new engine and a wider selection of cars. Please, give it to me now. :eek:


Active Member
I've heard about this new engine they're gonna be using and it sounds like it could (I put great emphasis on could) bring about some great features that people have been calling for for a long time, mainly time of day changes and weather. Of course these are present in the Horizon series but I get the feeling that Horizon was a sort of testing ground to see how they can do it and see the public's reaction to it.

As for the cars, I just hope they don't drop any cars that are presently in the game. If they do they are likely gonna do it with lower class cars but fingers crossed they don't as I quite like the lower class machines.


I am really excited to see what they have in store for us. I know that the game will be good because all of the games before that were really fun and I hope that it would be really good.


Active Member
I'm sure it will be magnificent, mainly because mainly because I think they have had more time to work on it. Forza 5, although it's great, I feel it was a little rushed because Microsoft wanted it to be a release title for the Xbone. For 6 I think they have have more time to work on it and I'm anticipating something incredible from Turn 10.


I think it's better that they take their sweet time with. I would rather have finished and polished product than some that was rushed, honestly. Sure, waiting sucks, but there's a lot of other games to play in the meantime!


Active Member
I think it's better that they take their sweet time with. I would rather have finished and polished product than some that was rushed, honestly. Sure, waiting sucks, but there's a lot of other games to play in the meantime!

Agreed. Waiting may suck, but you always know that the longer the wait, the more greater the game is going to be.


Agreed. Waiting may suck, but you always know that the longer the wait, the more greater the game is going to be.

Right? It sucks to wait but then you get the game and it's polished because the dev took their time and it's worth it. We all know a lot of great games or games with potential end up being somewhat disappointing when rushed out.

Though it's not like it should take a decade to develop the game, like Final Fantasy XV, that's just ridiculous.


I just want them to release a Forza game on the PC. At this point I wouldn't care if it was aa Forze 5 rerelease with some improvements. It's too good of a game to be locked up on one system, which I find really annoying.


Active Member
E3 is not too far away now and we're almost guaranteed to get the first glimpses of Forza 6. I'll be honest, I am quite excited to see what is in store.


Active Member
Hope Forza 6 is going to come out fully finished. I would really be dissapointed if they didn't polish the game well enough.
Forza 5 is a really awesome game. I'm eagerly waiting for the sequel!


Forever waiting.
I've heard some rumors about it, but it seems Forza has evolved to be some sort of promotional motive for a console or brand. I hope Forza 6 comes completely bug free as unlikely as it is, and is able to reach 60 fps while still maintaining good graphics. Hell, I would be completely satisfied if they just made Forza 6 on PC.


That is what I am talking about. I just want to play the new game already. I am all for their sleek graphics and I know that takes some time, but I want to play it already!


Well-Known Member
I've never played Forza before but I've always heard a lot of good things from the fanbase so I am really curious to try it out. I think I'll have to settle with the older games though.