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So we all know about Breaking bad don't we (if you don't, you NEED to see it)

It is easily the favourite TV show I have watched and I am so disappointed that it won't continue for ever.

What were your favourite moment? episodes? characters?
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Well, it's one show on my shows-to-watch-list. I try to avoid any spoilers, actually the only thing I know about the show is that the bald guy dies at the end.


Active Member
Thanks for ruining it for me, Jellyfish. Now I can't watch it anymore. Just kidding. Is it really that good? I've only seen the first two episodes and it seemed rather slow. My best friend was a big fan and then she stopped watching it because it got too depressing, she says.


New Member
It really is just that good. I know you are probably tired of hearing people say this, but it's the best thing I've ever watched. It has just about everything you want in a television series.

If you have access to Netflix in your country, it's well worth the £5 a month just for Breaking Bad. Give it a watch and you won't regret it.


Perhaps you should have put a "possible spoilers" notice in the title. Nevermind.


My favourite moment in the show was when Walter blew up Gus. After everything it looked like Mr White was finally going to come out on top. Unfortunately, he kept surrounding himself with idiots. We all know how everything turned out.
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I've seen a few episodes a few years ago but since it's had a series finale, I figured I'd wait until the hype simmers to watch it all from the beginning.


I haven't seen that show but it sure does seem interesting. The reason is basically I don't watch a lot of television. Whenever I do watch television it is because my football team is playing. But yes it would great to catch an episode or so.


New Member
I've only started watching the show, I'm currently on Season 2. However, I'd have to say, this show is already one of the best I have ever seen!

My favorite moment would have to be when Walter tried to kill himself in the pilot episode. When he realizes the safety was off, he begins to mutter as he changes the safety. Suddenly, he shoots off one round by accident, causing him to throw the gun away.

Racer X

Man. You know what they say: if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. And honestly, I'd heard one too many good things about it. Critics were hailing it as the greatest TV drama of all time, a story of Shakespearian levels. I just couldn't believe that. But I can't deny that I was intrigued. I mean, after seeing praise like that, who wouldn't want to at least see for themselves? So I watched. And save Gustavo and Mike, I wasn't impressed by any of the supporting cast. But then, of course, there was the protagonist...

Walter Hartwell White. His devolution is, without question, the most engrossing and entertaining thing I have ever watched on television. Over the course of sixty-two 45-minute episodes, we watched as circumstance and human flaw conspired together to grind Walter's humanity to dust. If we were just speaking on Walter alone and not Breaking Bad as a whole, I would agree wholeheartedly that it was almost Shakespearian. His flaws were just so perfectly fleshed out. It almost felt like I could've been reading a book. I just loved watching Walter's transformation from a mild mannered, morally gray spirit to a wretched and malevolent monster. The writers did a masterful job of leaving the viewer guessing.. was Walter a good man corrupted by circumstance? Or was he really a monster at heart, using his humanity as a disguise? Bryan Cranston deserved every single award he won for this character, I loved every second of his performance.

My one complaint about Walter's character is that we never found out why he left Gray Matter. They were really vague about it. But other than that, incredible.

"I am the one who knocks!"


Man. You know what they say: if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. And honestly, I'd heard one too many good things about it. Critics were hailing it as the greatest TV drama of all time, a story of Shakespearian levels. I just couldn't believe that. But I can't deny that I was intrigued. I mean, after seeing praise like that, who wouldn't want to at least see for themselves? So I watched. And save Gustavo and Mike, I wasn't impressed by any of the supporting cast. But then, of course, there was the protagonist...

Walter Hartwell White. His devolution is, without question, the most engrossing and entertaining thing I have ever watched on television. Over the course of sixty-two 45-minute episodes, we watched as circumstance and human flaw conspired together to grind Walter's humanity to dust. If we were just speaking on Walter alone and not Breaking Bad as a whole, I would agree wholeheartedly that it was almost Shakespearian. His flaws were just so perfectly fleshed out. It almost felt like I could've been reading a book. I just loved watching Walter's transformation from a mild mannered, morally gray spirit to a wretched and malevolent monster. The writers did a masterful job of leaving the viewer guessing.. was Walter a good man corrupted by circumstance? Or was he really a monster at heart, using his humanity as a disguise? Bryan Cranston deserved every single award he won for this character, I loved every second of his performance.

My one complaint about Walter's character is that we never found out why he left Gray Matter. They were really vague about it. But other than that, incredible.

"I am the one who knocks!"

Aaron Paul as Jessie Pinkman will be remembered as one of the best supporting actors ever. He really brought the show together at times. I actually rooted for him near the end as well, especially when things were getting a bit hectic around some of my main favorite character.

The ending was near perfect, and that's how you end a show. It may have been a bit cliche in some ways, but that is just a very small problem compared to how awesome the rest of the series was and how awesome that finale was.

Racer X

Aaron Paul as Jessie Pinkman will be remembered as one of the best supporting actors ever. He really brought the show together at times. I actually rooted for him near the end as well, especially when things were getting a bit hectic around some of my main favorite character.

The ending was near perfect, and that's how you end a show. It may have been a bit cliche in some ways, but that is just a very small problem compared to how awesome the rest of the series was and how awesome that finale was.

I will most definitely give Aaron Paul his props as a great supporting character. He was a major part of how the writers were able to twist our view of who/what Walter really was. I'd even go so far as to say that he is the greatest supporting actor ever - there is no Heisenberg without Jesse Pinkman.

But that's basically why I wasn't really into his character.. He was a lackey. He was Robin to Walter's Batman. And I never watched Batman to see what Robin was up to. lol


New Member
I'm so glad that they chose to keep Aaron Paul in the series. The original plan was to kill him off in series one, and he would be the reason for Walter to manifest into Heisenberg.

Racer X

^ I had heard that too, that they intended to kill him off early. But I agree, it's definitely a good thing they kept him on board. I don't think Gilligan and his team would've wrote something that sucked, but I definitely believe that having Jesse die would've hurt the story. If Walter became Heisenberg so soon, there's no room for his character to grow.. he's just evil and that's it. Would've made for more bad-ass moments, sure.. but wouldn't have been much of a story.


Thanks for ruining it for me, Jellyfish. Now I can't watch it anymore. Just kidding. Is it really that good? I've only seen the first two episodes and it seemed rather slow. My best friend was a big fan and then she stopped watching it because it got too depressing, she says.
It does start a bit slow but honestly, keep going! After a while you will find yourself wanting to watch them all in a row without stopping!


I'm so glad that they chose to keep Aaron Paul in the series. The original plan was to kill him off in series one, and he would be the reason for Walter to manifest into Heisenberg.
I watched the interview when they were discussing this. Keeping him has got to be one of the best decisions a TV show has made before.

Now we must wait until something else hits our television that will beat it.. (will there ever be something?)
I've only seen the first two episodes and it seemed rather slow. .

The first season was slow, but after that it really picks up pace. I ended up watching up to the end of S5a within a couple of weeks, and then watched 5b as it aired (well, the day after). Easily my favourite show, ever. Nothing has pulled me in like it.
I'm at S2E04 and I have to say me and my family are LOVING it! I can't wait to see how the story unravels, to see how the characters will progress... Eek, I'm so excited!


New Member
I'm so disappointed that this show is over with now! I was really hoping it wasn't going to just completely end and that there would be another season. I thought Breaking Bad truly was an amazing television show. It has it's own unique story that I've never seen in any show out there today thus far! Walter was my favorite character. I'm debating on what show to get into now, since this one is over. I feel like nothing is ever going to captivate me in as much as Breaking Bad did, hmm!

If anyone knows of another show that may be a great one to start watching, let me know!