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Forza Motorsport 5 Better than Gran Turismo?

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New Member
Forza is in my opinion the best racing games in the market right now. If you want a great realistic game I would go with Forza all the way. It is just a clean beautiful looking game. Gran Turismo is a alright game and it is pretty entertaining but for the visual aspects and realistic aspect it doesn't come close to Forza.


New Member
Honestly iv'e always been a bigger fan of the Forza series. All because of the tuning mechanisms and more external mods, also the community is a lot better than gran turismo. Also correct me if i'm wrong but i think forza has a bigger selection of cars? anyways Forza is better :p
It's a realistic racing game, and I think as great as the graphics are, games like this are very similar to each other when it comes to the arcade style gaming, as it's just win one race, get points to upgrade, win another, get more points, win the entire tournament. It's a really repetitive gaming genre, and as impressive as the graphics are, there's really no replay value that would exceed more than a few hours in these games.


I'd say that GT is more of a game that you get to play due to it's classical value, the well known locations, and the amazing scenery that comes along with it. Not really comparable in my opinion.

Denis Hard

I wouldn't say that one is better than the other. Forza sure has the better graphics but since both games will be greatly improved when they release new games next year and year after, that would be right time to compare them not before.


Active Member
I wouldn't say that one is better than the other. Forza sure has the better graphics but since both games will be greatly improved when they release new games next year and year after, that would be right time to compare them not before.

I'm on the fence as to Forza looking better than Gran Turismo.

Taking photomode in Gran Turismo for example, I was able to capture some stunning looking shots at night at Le Mans while in Forzas photomode I've been struggling to be able to recreate the same sort of shots. Don't get me wrong Forza does look fantastic throughout, but I do think Gran Turismo edges out in front slightly.
I received this game for free and never played it. Judging by all the reviews, I think I need to cut the seal and give it a try. I like Gran Turismo and if it comes close or better than it, I will be pleased.
Forza is definitely the better game. It has better graphics and tries to stick to realism a lot more than GT does. Don't get me wrong, GT is plenty realistic, but Forza goes one step further.


Well-Known Member
I do think that objectively it is the better racing game as the mechanics and controls are just very precise and well made but of course at the end of the day it will still boil down to taste as that's not always what everyone is looking for. Both are very good racing games though in my opinion.

Denis Hard

I do think that objectively it is the better racing game as the mechanics and controls are just very precise and well made but of course at the end of the day it will still boil down to taste as that's not always what everyone is looking for. Both are very good racing games though in my opinion.
I think the prospect of getting a real racer license will be reason enough to convince racing game enthusiasts that Gran Turismo is better but that might change should those who like Forza also get the same offer. Things will be getting more interesting starting next year I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
I think the prospect of getting a real racer license will be reason enough to convince racing game enthusiasts that Gran Turismo is better but that might change should those who like Forza also get the same offer. Things will be getting more interesting starting next year I'm sure.
Agreed. All my friends who love gt really love it for the licenses and the realism and although it never appealed to me too much I could see why they would be drawn to it and if they keep it up I'm sure they will retain their long time fans.


Active Member
I played both and it's a tough choice, but I like the feel, cars and physics of Gran Turismo more. It feels more realistic in the long run but both games are good.


I enjoy both series thoroughly, but I prefer Forza. I think Forza is the most consistent, high quality racing series out there. They look fantastic, and not only that they play amazing as well. GT is great, but I just feel lacks the overall fun factor that Forza brings.

Ryan Allwright

New Member
I have always been a fan of Gran Turismo since I was a teenager. Back in the early nineties when that game came out it was the first racing game to have a whopping 162 cars. Now since I've been a fan of the PlayStation and never owned an Xbox I can't say I've ever played Forza but it looks great and a lot of fun. Heard many great things about that game.


Well it is a lot closer of a choice than I would have thought before I played the Forza games, but I still would have to go with Gran Turismo. It is just that game that is tied to racing in my opinion and it has always been sort of the de facto leader of the bunch. There is something about the feel of the game, and the nostalgia to some degree, that still seems to capture we with these games, but, to each their own.