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Forza Motorsport 5 Better than Gran Turismo?

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I love Forza Motorsport, they've become one of my all time favorite series around and I can't wait for the upcoming game. Now, would you say this is a competitive game towards Gran Turismo? Many of my friends compare the two, and I can see some similarities of course. For me I think Forza Motorsport is a clear contender against GT, and yes I know both are on different consoles, but I guess they can both be the face of their console for racing games.


I like Forza a lot, it's a really well done series and I can't wait to see how it goes from here. As for it being better than Gran Turismo, that'll be your decision to make. It's all about preference. I'm sure a lot of people prefer Gran Turismo, and a lot prefer Forza. It's just what you like better.

I myself like Forza a bit better, these days at least.


I hate to admit it, but having played both titles, I have to say that Forza has an upper hand here. here is no other racing games matching this games. It's the sheer quality of this game that is amazing to see. But it doesn't means that GT is a bad game in any sense. It's a really solid game.


I agree with Wowtgp the GT series is my favourite but i prefer Forza overall for me it seems the graphics and racing mechanics are just so much better.
I'm with wowtgp too. GT is really fun, but Forza takes the cake. Instead of being the best on one aspect (like graphics, gameplay, story, car choice, etc), they're good in ALL of them. Not the best in one, just good in all of them. That way, they please more people overall: like me!

Ghost Rider

Here's a comparison that IGN made regarding Gran Turismo 5 and Forza 4. And you know what? I'll call it a tie. Lol. Well, Forza has got the car damage done right, and it looks good too but I love Gran Turismo. The handling of the cars is very realistic and there are certain cars that really look so good. I won't choose one over the other. :rolleyes:


It's really hard for me to decide which one is better than the other, so I'll just say that it's a tie, both games are extremely well made and have a lot of thought put into.
I don't think it's better than Gran Turismo. Both are different games and have different features, so I guess each one has its pros and cons, positive and negative points, as well as a different public of fans.

Ghost Rider

I've tried out some Forza games and some GT games and I could say that Forza gears more towards arcade racing while GT is geared more towards a more sim-type experience. During the PS 1 days, I was awed by the level of realism that Gran Turismo brought to the table. But now, I feel kinda bored by its "extreme" realism. I'm now more geared towards the Forza series. I dunno... Maybe I'm just bored of Gran Turismo because I already drive a car to work every single day and when I play Gran Turismo, it feels like I'm just driving my car. Not necessarily a bad thing but, well, it's not that cool either.


Gran Turismo is great, but Forza is just a superior game, Forza is an nice, easy to use game, unlike Gran Turismo. If i had to tell someone which to get, I would tell someone to look for themselves though, Gran Turismo is more realistic, and some people like that kind of thing in their racing games though.


Gran Turismo is a much better and FAR more realistic game. Forza is disgusting pile of dlc ridden crap and low amount of cars with crappy handling. How anyone likes Forza is beyond me.
It's all about preference. For example, I like Forza more, but a friend of mine who is an even bigger racing games fan likes Gran Turismo over every other racing game. Ever. He's madly in love with the Gran Turismo games.


I played both games and I don't think that one is better than the other. There might be some people that put one game over the other, but I'm not one of those. I don't really care which game I play, I just want to play one of them.
You can't even compare forza to gran turismo. Forza look gorgeous and the cars sound so realistic. While gran turismo doesn't focus on graphics and the cars sound like synthesized vacuum cleaners and you can't use a clutch with the controller. I may admit the horizon games are not as realistic as gran turismo, but the forza Motorsport games are on par with gran turismo.


New Member
I think forza is better than gran turismo overall. It provides a better overall experience and sound. I'll still play both of them though.


Active Member
Although I love Gran Turismo, Forza has really won me over with the last couple games. I'd have to say it's the better series at this point in time.


New Member
Nope. Gran Turismo is probably one of the best racing games on the market. It's relistic and has superb visual content. Forza can hold its own in the racing community, but to answer the question of the post...Turismo takes the cake...and eats it.


Nope. Gran Turismo is probably one of the best racing games on the market. It's relistic and has superb visual content. Forza can hold its own in the racing community, but to answer the question of the post...Turismo takes the cake...and eats it.
Tourismo has never been the winner for me. I prefer Forza and so do a lot of people. I respect your opinion though.