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Best zombie games

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Are you by any chance going to give it a try?
I've yet to try it out, but it does indeed look quite interesting. While the gameplay mechanics are quite similar to other zombie games that are already released, it's still good to see new zombies games getting released once in a while.


Are you by any chance going to give it a try?
I've yet to try it out, but it does indeed look quite interesting. While the gameplay mechanics are quite similar to other zombie games that are already released, it's still good to see new zombies games getting released once in a while.
Don't know if it runs on my machine. I agree, it's pretty much known stuff but strangely there aren't even that much zombie games out there as one might think so I am gladly awaiting this one.


I haven't played that many zombie games in my life, but for me Dead Rising is pretty high up there. I really like the concept of the open world and just hacking and killing zombies. You can create all sorts of crazy weapons and just have fun with it. I really can't wait for the new Dead Rising game coming out.


Well-Known Member
I'd pick Left4Dead. It's so fun to play with other players and really forces you all to work together. I'm not too much into playing video games alone, so titles like Resident Evil don't really appeal to me all that much apart from wanting to watch my friends run through it as they have much more experience and patience for those types of games than I do.


I know majority of people have become tired of zombie games, but I love them. I can't seem to get enough of the Zobiemania, if it makes sense. The best gam in my opinion is Dayz. I am loving it. It started out as a mod, but it soon transformed into a thing of it's own really quick.
The best zombie games are Residents Evil hands down. Not only does it have good graphics and gameplay but it also has very great storylines as well. I absolutely love Resident Evil storylines.

Ghost Rider

When I think of a zombie game, I think of Resident Evil. It was the very first zombie game that I have played and I think that it's the best. It gave me a lot of scares throughout the years.

For those wanting a great zombie game which will not scare you, just play PVZ.


My pick goes for State of Decay, the zombies are well portrayed and can quickly overwhelm you if you aren't focused or if you are overconfident.
The game is pretty good, focusing on survival of your group and gathering supplies.


Last of us blew me away. You guys should really check it out too. The story is one of the main attractions and the interactions between the two protagonists is fun to watch.


Well-Known Member
I always found L4D really fun because it's not too serious and the cooperative is really fun.
Agreed. I'm not even that big of a fan of the zombie genre whether in games or on TV or movies, but L4D is still one of my top co-op games because the mechanics are very well thought out and well executed.


I have played Zombie highway and Gunship Zombie. These games are crazy. I have been hooked like forever. Anyone else who has been playing the same games?


Does The Walking Dead count? Even though it's basically an adventure game, just set in a zombie-infested world.
If so, then it's a solid choice, definitely one of the best stories in any game.


Well-Known Member
I have played Zombie highway and Gunship Zombie. These games are crazy. I have been hooked like forever. Anyone else who has been playing the same games?
I've just tried out Zombie Highway, and I love it! It's a very creative game, and I think I'll be getting addicted to it too in the coming days, so thanks for your recommendation. :)


Well-Known Member
When I think of a zombie game, I think of Resident Evil. It was the very first zombie game that I have played and I think that it's the best. It gave me a lot of scares throughout the years.

For those wanting a great zombie game which will not scare you, just play PVZ.
Agreed. Resident Evil was ahead of its time and I think a lot of the modern zombie games owe a lot to it. The ambiance of it was enough to scare you and I think that's why it is so famous. Also yes, I think Pvz is also very good on the opposite side of the spectrum lol.