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NASCAR 14 Best Nascar game

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
What do you think is the best NASCAR game(for PC)? The reason I'm asking is I want to play a NASCAR game, last good one I played was NASCAR 2006 for the PS2 (I think). I know this one sucks, had it for 360, every time I used pit road I would just keep driving like it was under caution while the race went on around me, and many other bugs like drivers getting stuck in the middle of pit road, etc. etc. Not willing to go there. So, what was the best NASCAR game made for the PC? Doesn't have to be on Steam, just for PC.


I have just never gotten a good sense that NASCAR really put a lot of effort into making a good game. I am not sure why I get this, but all the other sports leagues seem to embrace it and maybe not NASCAR.


I agree with RZ. I never got entertained with the NASCAR and never found it interesting. It is because that it is not the type that I like. I will try the latest version.