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I wanna start one mmorpg but I can't decide. Most look really alike and the reviews don't really help me. What's your opinioon?


The best free one around in my opinion is probably The Old Republic, if you are looking for one to pay for, you might to wait a bit until Wildstar comes out.


Quite the opposite, TOR gets you a companion almost from the beginning on every class (each class has a different storyline) so it's much easier to get started than other MMO's where you are always alone for the most part.


the companion is a cpu, it's a great system so you are never alone (tanks and healers wouldn't have enough damage, damage-dealers wouldn't have survivability)
So each class gets an array of companions to choose from to help you out.
You should give it a try, it's a great game.


Best MMORPG by far would be World of Warcraft, the game is starting to show its age but in terms of gameplay and just sheer content nothing else compares honestly. It is relatively expensive though so if you're looking for something cheap I would suggest RIFT which is now f2p. Your computer is pretty good so both should be easily handled.


New Member
I'd go with orz, if you are looking for something to play alone or with friends ,WOW would be the one I'd go for. I've tried so many MMORPG from Guildwars2 to Runes of Magic to Neverwinter ,you name it. At some point, I either ran out of quests to do or after I hit max level,there's nothing really much to do since the game is new.WOW is such an old game with very big maps to do quests after quests ,sure there's not a lot of varieties to do like Guildwars where it has dynamic events and such but WOW at least has an end game.

I heard good things about FFIV and might give it a try sometime soon.


No question that WoW is the best one, but with all the F2P options nowadays, does it justify the monthly fee?
Do you think it's THAT much better?


There are so many MMORPGs out there that are really good at what they do. You didn't mention your interests and playstyle. Anyways, I will suggest you to try following MMORPGs -

1.) The Secret World - You will love this game if you are into lore and story telling. This game does a really awesome job telling you an amazing story. This is a B2P game though.

2.) Age of Conan - Do you love voiced quest givers? This game is for you then. The voice acting initially in the game is really good.


Try out Ragnarok Online. It was one of the most entertaining and influental Korean-based MMORPG ever in MMORPG history. It has just recently got released on Steam, but the game was out since 2000. You definitely won't be disappointed. The BGM is amazing; the character and class designs are well thought out and well made; the replay value and co-op with friends is astoundingly good.


TERA is a pretty good MMORPG that is out there. It's free, but you has the micro transactions option available. The graphics are great and there's so many things you can do in that game.


I would go with World of Warcraft! This is the most addictive game that has even been created! I like everything in it, the graphics the most! I played it for 3 years and I'm still playing it. I'm skilled level 80 Arms Night Elf Warrior on a private server and I quite enjoy playing it.

League of Legends is good to, but in my opinion nowhere near World of Warcraft!


League of Legends would be in my opinion. It's fun, and you can be more than just ONE character, you can unlock new characters and skins to customize your character! You have levels which measure how good you are, when you're the max level (30) you play ranked matches which determine which division you are. I'm currently in Silver, the best is Challenger, maybe YOU could become good at it!


I would recommend World of Warcraft to you, mainly because of it's popularity and you won't fail to find people to play with in this game. You will make friends fast and the gameplay is awesome overall. There are new expansions coming out every now and than, you won't be sorry by trying it.