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Best Gaming Series Ever on PS2

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I think the Final Fantasy games were my favorite. I know some people didn't like X or X-2, but I really like them.


In my opinion, the Grand Theft Auto series is the best on the Ps2. I also enjoyed the Jak and Daxter series as well. I liked the GTA series because of how much freedom you get, and also because you can wreck mayhem. The Jak and Daxter series had me drawn in with it's gameplay and story.


In my opinion, the Grand Theft Auto series is the best on the Ps2. I also enjoyed the Jak and Daxter series as well. I liked the GTA series because of how much freedom you get, and also because you can wreck mayhem. The Jak and Daxter series had me drawn in with it's gameplay and story.
Yeah I would rank the GTA series and the Hitman series as the two best of all time in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I think GTA and God Of War would probably get the top votes when it comes to PS2 games. I'd also maybe vote for Tekken and another less popular favorite of mine has always been Def Jam.


I think GTA and God Of War would probably get the top votes when it comes to PS2 games. I'd also maybe vote for Tekken and another less popular favorite of mine has always been Def Jam.
Yeah! The Def Jam games are a favorite of mine. It took me while to warm up to the game, but once i did, it was an excellent game to play.

Ghost Rider

I consider Ico and Shadow of the Colossus to be in one series (only with different titles) and I think that this series is the best. These two games have captured the imagination of gamers of all ages. The two games presented a world full of magic and wonder that one couldn't help to just sit back and be filed with awe.


It's a tie personally between GTA/MGS/JAK because those were the most important games of the console and they were all pretty awesome.

Ghost Rider

It's a tie personally between GTA/MGS/JAK because those were the most important games of the console and they were all pretty awesome.

I was prepared to love Jak and Daxter. But weirdly, I never got into the game. I was trying to find the same feel that Crash Bandicoot gave me during the PS1 days and Jak never gave that to me. It's on the PlayStation greatest list but definitely not the best.


My choice is GOW. Closely followed by GTA series.

I disagree. Those games really didn't hit popularity until the PS3 and only then did they become popular. During their original release i'd never even heard of them but I'd heard of the other two.

I was prepared to love Jak and Daxter. But weirdly, I never got into the game. I was trying to find the same feel that Crash Bandicoot gave me during the PS1 days and Jak never gave that to me. It's on the PlayStation greatest list but definitely not the best.

I dunno. It's a pretty great game series. It might not be YOUR thing but it certainly deserves a vote for ONE of the BEST PS2 series.

Ghost Rider

I disagree. Those games really didn't hit popularity until the PS3 and only then did they become popular. During their original release i'd never even heard of them but I'd heard of the other two.
Hmm, popular and best are two different things. A game can be popular but it may not be great. A game may be great but not popular. I think God of War was both great and popular. It was heavily hyped by Sony during the day.


Hmm, popular and best are two different things. A game can be popular but it may not be great. A game may be great but not popular. I think God of War was both great and popular. It was heavily hyped by Sony during the day.

Hyped but not nearly the best. There are many different sony franchises that not only play better but overall are better.


In my opinion, the Grand Theft Auto series is the best on the Ps2. I also enjoyed the Jak and Daxter series as well. I liked the GTA series because of how much freedom you get, and also because you can wreck mayhem. The Jak and Daxter series had me drawn in with it's gameplay and story.
Games that have a great storyline behind them are always good. Games like that grab my attention and really make me interested.
Easily Ratchet and Clank. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot and the character interactions. The surrealism tied in with the fictitious violence made it the best game for me as a kid. I think I've played the first three R&C games over a hundred times and I've never gotten bored.


GTA series for me. They were the first games I played that properly involved shooting and roaming a free world and I loved it.


I'd say GTA series. I really liked GTA 3 and GTA San Andreas. I also liked Ratchet and Clank. It's an amazing arcade game for a PS2. I like the sandbox in GTA SA. You could do anything you wanted to. Jak and Dexter was good, too.


There is nothing for the PS2 that comes close to a GTA game. I've even went back and played the so called best games and they still all lose to GTA. Considering the best 3 PS2 games all start "Grand Theft Auto-" has got to be testament to RockStar.


In my opinion, the Grand Theft Auto series is the best on the Ps2. I also enjoyed the Jak and Daxter series as well. I liked the GTA series because of how much freedom you get, and also because you can wreck mayhem. The Jak and Daxter series had me drawn in with it's gameplay and story.

Now that there is a new GTA around. I have already got it now and am really enjoying it.


Ratchet & Clank! I don't like the new Ratchet and Clanks for PS3, but R&C 1 to 3 for PS2 were really insane. They were one of my favorite games overall.