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Best Console of All Time

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I personally think the PS2 is the best console of all time do the huge amount of games and franchises that started on it and have expanded into the current day.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I'd consider PS2 as the best as well, although admittedly it has more to do with the huge and varied library than the console and controller itself as I never really liked the Dualshock that much. It helps that the leap on technology and attention to detail were very prominent during this era.


New Member
I'd say the Super Nintendo.

It's the only system that has games I've beaten over a dozen times, yet still feel the urge to play them over again every now and then.

I think the best console game in my opinion is the Playstation 2, because it had great games and had good graphics to in my opinion. The Playstation 2 was probably the first console that had great graphics almost making it the prototype for great gaming graphics.


The best console ever is either the NES or the Playstation 2, no other compares to the dominance these two enjoyed.


Recently either the PS2 or Xbox 360. In the last 15 or so years those 2 have really stood out, it will be interesting to see who "wins" this current generation of Xbox One vs PS4.


It's is always going to be an opinionated question rather than a factual one. Personally, I feel that the Dreamcast may have been the best home system out there.
It was the first system to EFFECTIVELY make online gaming work (notice I didn't say first system to have it).

It was also the first system to have a screen in your controller (the VMU). Not to mention their games were truly unique, although few in number compared to most other systems.


It's is always going to be an opinionated question rather than a factual one. Personally, I feel that the Dreamcast may have been the best home system out there.
It was the first system to EFFECTIVELY make online gaming work (notice I didn't say first system to have it).

It was also the first system to have a screen in your controller (the VMU). Not to mention their games were truly unique, although few in number compared to most other systems.

Always good to see a Dreamcast fan :)
Let me ask for your opinion on something: Did it fail due to Sega's troubles or did Sega start having troubles because the Dreamcast failed?

I think it's an interesting blame game.


The Dreamcast didn't actually fail.

The problem was as you mentioned, Sega's troubles. After the Genesis, they had FOUR consecutive failures before releasing the Dreamcast. The Sega CD, Sega Game Gear, Sega 32x, and Sega Saturn.

They had built up so much debt that even though the Dreamcast was profitable and selling well, it wasn't enough to offset the four failures in a row that sunk the company as a hardware developer.


I would say the PS2 is the greatest. There is outstanding collection of games on the PS2. Hitman games,Madden Games, Racing Games, etc. It is the most fun system that i have played.


I am going for PS3, since it's a great console and a lot of people bought it already. I have used mine for over a year and I don't have any problems with it.


The Dreamcast didn't actually fail.

The problem was as you mentioned, Sega's troubles. After the Genesis, they had FOUR consecutive failures before releasing the Dreamcast. The Sega CD, Sega Game Gear, Sega 32x, and Sega Saturn.

They had built up so much debt that even though the Dreamcast was profitable and selling well, it wasn't enough to offset the four failures in a row that sunk the company as a hardware developer.

It's a shame they had so many failures in a row, guess the the fault was Sega's troubles then..
Do you think they will ever go back to trying to do a console? Maybe they could try a handheld or something to get back on their feet, they were the most innovative company at the time (as proven by the Dreamcast).


As much as I'd LOVE to see Sega try again, I don't see it happening. The spot they left vacant was pretty much filled when Microsoft started making systems. The market is tough enough with three major competitors. Having a fourth enter the fray would probably segregate the home system market too much.

Plus Sega isn't even considered a top tier third party developer the way everyone expected them to be. They need to be a great third party before they start going hardware again, if ever.

Ghost Rider

The PS1 is the best video game console of all time! It was the reason why I became such a Sony fanatic. The PS1 had everything that gamers wanted. Action adventure games, RPGs, racing, versus games, puzzle, etc. I never got bored during the golden years of the PS1.


New Member
In my opinion, the Playstation 2 is the best console of all time. If I remember correctly, The PS2 is the highest-selling console in history, which further supports the notion that it is the best console the gaming industry has ever seen. Because of the Playstation 2's superiority as a console and it's popularity with gamers, I believe it will continue to hold its own even among the next-gen consoles on the market today.


Well-Known Member
Always good to see a Dreamcast fan :)
Let me ask for your opinion on something: Did it fail due to Sega's troubles or did Sega start having troubles because the Dreamcast failed?

I think it's an interesting blame game.
I never got to play this and I kind of wish I did, because I hear so many great things about it. I think Sega started having troubles because of it though because from what I've heard they just released it in the wrong time since consoles were starting to get more and more advanced by then and it's why they released the Saturn almost immediately after.


I personally think the PS2 is the best console of all time do the huge amount of games and franchises that started on it and have expanded into the current day.

Well I would have said the PS2 is the best console of all time simply because it is by far my most favorite console, it was the first "serious" console that I managed to put my hands on, the graphics were amazing, and now that you mention that a lot of franchises started there I guess that is another excellent reason too.


Well I would have said the PS2 is the best console of all time simply because it is by far my most favorite console, it was the first "serious" console that I managed to put my hands on, the graphics were amazing, and now that you mention that a lot of franchises started there I guess that is another excellent reason too.

PS2 had the largest variety of games that gen too. RPG, Shooters, you name it, it had it. Dreamcast in terms of overall tech was a bit better but ps2 has alot more games and amazing experiences attached to it.